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Forum Übersicht » Konsolen » XBox 360 » U.N. record predicts weather disaster, absent essential movement
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U.N. record predicts weather disaster, absent essential movement
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Beiträge: 1
Mitglied seit: 08.11.2022
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A United Nations document launched Thursday compiles the today's clinical findings on climate trade and suggests a meeting disaster unless international locations take quick, dramatic motion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The record's key message is that worldwide warming is occurring greater hastily, and with greater quick worsening outcomes, than maximum past fashions had expected. in the subsequent 5 years, there's a 40% risk that the world may additionally breach the brink of 1.5 ranges Celsius of warming previously identified by way of scientists and global governments as the hoped-for restrict.
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08.11.2022 02:17:46    
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Forum Übersicht » Konsolen » XBox 360 » U.N. record predicts weather disaster, absent essential movement
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