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Forum Overview » Alliance » Alliance activities » Guild Wars April Fools Day
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Guild Wars April Fools Day
Millieno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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I was horrified when I logged on and we had all been turned into little Gwens! (nasty Gwen)

But by the end of the evening I grew to love her Razz - ällabätsch

The skill changes were the very funny too. Gz Anet freuendes Smilie


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4/2/2009 10:26:18 AM  
ChrisCono Access no Access no Access 
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When did you snap pictures of me Boah! - Überrascht

They are alittle scary looking in kamadan it was like a horrid nightmare Gwen's everywhere.btw did she murder everyone at mid night like in the beta ?Razz - ällabätsch

4/2/2009 1:56:04 PM  
Wildsnakeno Access no Access no Access 
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I have never laughed so much, ever. \Niall forgot about april fools and looked at all the updates on wiki. he was practically shouting about how crap they were then he read the ote that said they were for april fools ...


Draco Wildsnake L20 [Elementalist/Monk] / Xaian Wildsnake L12 [Ranger] / Tyler Wildsnake L12 [Monk]
4/2/2009 10:34:23 PM   
Jesterhead Slono Access no Access no Access 
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when i first logged in that thay i was like: "WTF?! oO"

but then i got used to it

and by the end of the day, it got realy annoying xD

4/2/2009 11:34:15 PM   
Dion [SK]no Access no Access no Access 
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I miss being Gwen...

SK officer Feel you want to know something more about me? Klick ->here<-

Shouts of a Paragon, echoing over the field, heard by the warrior strengthening his shield.
A precision arrow, released by a rangers bow. Elementalists fire, emitting a burning glow.
Assassins stalking and lurking in shades, Mesmers observing and turning their blades.
A spirit summoned by a ritualist's calling. Necromancers raising the bones of those falling.
The scythe of a dervish, delivering pain. Monks that are healing, praying, their faith will remain.
All that is Guild Wars, that and much more. Enter the battle, be part of the lore.

Dionysian Animus (Necromancer) | Dionysian Eye (Ranger) | Dionysian Faith (Monk) | Dionysian Fallacy (Mesmer) | Dionysian Fist (Warrior)
Dionysian Marrow (Ritualist) | Dionysian Mind (Elementalist) | Dionysian Myth (Dervish) | Dionysian Satori (Paragon) | Dionysian Umbra (Assassin)
4/3/2009 12:31:50 AM  
Geckono Access no Access no Access 
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multiple flute music was just a din...

This is me

Gecko Dacelo D | Gecko Dacourt W | Gecko Denfari N | Gecko Desain R | Gecko Desire Mo | Gecko Dika A | Gecko Dnita Rt | Gecko Dukat Me
4/3/2009 2:56:23 PM  
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