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Hangman - Das Spieleportal

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4 failed attempts: r3sp4wn
5 failed attempts: Cyberlord

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I love the forum :). Do you want me to do a better english translation? (For free)

6/19/2005 3:16:18 PM 
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(hangman is my forum name btw :P)

6/19/2005 3:16:44 PM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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Thank you very much.

Just send me your suggestions to

best regards


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6/19/2005 3:47:00 PM    
r3sp4wnno Access no Access no Access 
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So shall I do the translation?

6/19/2005 4:44:03 PM   
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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Yes you can do it if you want.

I can give you a few months of premium-forum or a commercial license of our forum-software. Schüchtern!

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6/19/2005 5:24:07 PM    
r3sp4wnno Access no Access no Access 
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I could help code too. I'm a brilliant
...ah wait
I code PHP, not asp.

6/19/2005 8:05:27 PM   
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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We code only in ASP.

But we search always designer and translators.

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6/19/2005 9:19:11 PM    
Guestno Access no Access no Access 
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Can't design, only translate. Well, I can't do that either but I can improve the one you've got. How shall I set it out?
Nice one for getting the forum name :)

6/20/2005 4:52:22 PM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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Just send me the improvements to my email-address.

What type of forum name do you mean?

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6/20/2005 5:30:56 PM    
Guestno Access no Access no Access 
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No, the hangman.
I need to know how to set the improvements out :/

6/20/2005 5:33:40 PM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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When you found an improvement then send it to me with a short description where you found it.

I will update the forum immediately.

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6/20/2005 6:12:01 PM    
r3sp4wnno Access no Access no Access 
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For a start, try using forum software, not forum-software.
manage Profile = Edit Profile would be better.
Forum Overview = Forum Index
priv. Messages = Private Messages (#)
show active Threads = Display Active Threads
view Posts since last Visit = New Posts

6/21/2005 5:12:43 PM   
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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Thank you for your suggestions!


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6/21/2005 5:21:54 PM    
r3sp4wnno Access no Access no Access 
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glad to help! :)

6/21/2005 6:37:42 PM   
r3sp4wnno Access no Access no Access 
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Do you have msn messenger?

6/21/2005 6:45:35 PM   
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