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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » ASP-FastBoard (english) » it cutts out arabic latters replacing with #&
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it cutts out arabic latters replacing with #&
Guestno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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thank you
i have advertise about your company in many arabic forums
i managed to change direction but writing it comes out like
منتديات اسلا&#
it cutts out arabic latters replacing with #&
thank you

12/12/2006 1:36:20 AM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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thank you for your recommendation.

I know this problem, i will fix this as soon as possible.


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12/12/2006 3:06:49 PM    
Guestno Access no Access no Access 
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is it fixed yet can you please inform us when it is

12/21/2006 8:40:29 AM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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I will post it here when its done.


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12/21/2006 8:18:28 PM    
Guestno Access no Access no Access 
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what cause this problem for knowledge i had it too in other
site thanks

1/18/2007 4:51:57 PM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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We had to convert special-characters into HTML-Code.
For example: "& raquo;" (without space) = "»".

If we cut the length of the text at "&raqu" the special-sign will not be shown.

The solution is to convert the HTML-Code into special-signs and cut it.


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1/22/2007 9:23:13 PM    
Guestno Access no Access no Access 
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so is the problem solved ? thanks

1/31/2007 2:11:31 PM 
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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please be patient, this isn't a small problem, so it takes a little time.


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2/6/2007 12:15:41 PM    
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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the problem should be solved now.


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3/7/2007 4:38:28 AM    
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » ASP-FastBoard (english) » it cutts out arabic latters replacing with #&

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