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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » What are Helltide events in Diablo 4?
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What are Helltide events in Diablo 4?
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Whenever we get our hands on a new RPG or MMO, the first question players usually ask is what the final content of the game will be like, because that determines the game's ultimate shelf life. Diablo 4 answers that question with the Helltide event.If you need Diablo 4 gold and items during the process, you can buy them from reliable sites.

Helltide events are a game feature in Diablo 4 that players can experience after reaching certain world tiers. Players can participate in these events to earn some of the best loot in the game, making their characters stronger and ready for battle.

If you don't know about Diablo 4 Helltide Events or how to access them, then this guide is for you as we explain what Helltide Events are while sharing the unlock requirements.

Not sure what the aggro fields are in Diablo 4? Check out our guide to see what roles they play in the game.

What is the Helltide event in Diablo 4?

In Diablo 4, a Helltide is an area-wide random event where, as part of the end game, the player battles various demons that are always higher than the player's level and are extremely difficult to defeat.

However, the more difficult these events are, the better rewards they offer. When you kill monsters in Helltide events, you get something called Cinders.

You can use earned Cinders to open Helltide Chests found in the area for advanced loot that further enhances your current build and increases your character's power level.

But it has a problem. While you can earn Cinders by killing different monsters, if you die in the process, you will lose the Cinders you earned. To reclaim them, you must retrieve the dropped cinders from where you last died.

Want to change your build? This is the method redesignated in Diablo 4.
The Helltide event adds a subtle element of the rogue-like genre in the form of losing Cinders upon death, making enemies more difficult to deal with than in normal encounters, with greater risk, greater reward, and more.

When will the Helltide event be available in Diablo 4?

In Diablo IV, the Helltide event is available to players currently on World Level 3 Nightmare difficulty. Therefore, to ensure that your shared world offers Helltide random events, you must play Diablo 4 on Veteran difficulty and complete the campaign and dungeon Light's Summit Cathedral to enter World Tier 3, increasing the difficulty to Nightmare.

4/10/2023 4:45:56 AM   
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