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Microsoft releases new all-in-one Office app for iOS and Android
rohit123no Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Today, Microsoft propelled the Microsoft Office application for iOS and Android. It joins PowerPoint, Word, and Excel into one application, and it includes various portable situated highlights.


Microsoft Office is presently accessible in the Mac App Store

"This application keeps up all the usefulness of the current Word, Excel, and PowerPoint versatile applications however requires far less telephone stockpiling than utilizing three separate applications," Microsoft's depiction in the iOS App Store says. The application is allowed to download and utilize, yet many "premium highlights" are bolted behind an Office 365 membership.

After a couple of security warnings and such, the application dispatches to a homescreen that rundowns all your ongoing cloud records, with a base route board. That board can take you to different spots. The first is the include menu, where you can make an archive or note either without any preparation, from a format, or from something caught by your gadget's camera. Records you make can be put away in iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, or Dropbox.

Notwithstanding Word, PowerPoint, or Excel records, you can include straightforward notes, however for reasons unknown, these are not part of Microsoft's current OneNote assistance. "Focal point" is another choice other than making a report as it was done in the good 'ol days; this camera-based record generator is equivalent to we've found in Microsoft's independent application by a similar name.

edited by rohit123 on 1/6/2021 6:33:10 PM
3/5/2020 4:41:03 PM    
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Forum Overview » Beispiel-Kategorie / Example Category » Beispiel-Forum / Example Forum » Microsoft releases new all-in-one Office app for iOS and Android

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