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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » k cup filling sealing machine industry
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k cup filling sealing machine industry
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k cup filling sealing machine industry
k cup filling machine
A k cup filling machine is the machine that is used to fill coffee powder into empty coffee cups! When you want to produce a k cup-type coffee capsule, there will be two production processes: the filling process and the sealing process!
k cup sealing machine
The function of a k cup sealing machine is as its name, it is used to seal the single-serve cups which have bean-filled with coffee powder with foil lids. It is a necessary machine for the sealing process if you already have a manual type filling machine.
Different types of k cup packing machine in the market
There are 2 types of k cup filling machines in the market, a semi-automatic filling machine, and a fully automatic k cup filling machine. some people also call a semi-automatic k cup filling machine a k cup filler! As for the fully automatic machine, it is referring to a machine that not only can finish the filling process but also can finish the sealing process in a fully automatic way! See what is the different operating way of the two machines in the videos on our official website!
Some suggestion for how to choose a k cup filling machine and k cup sealing machine
If you are new in the coffee capsule industry and you are about to have a try on it, please consider choosing a manual k cup sealing machine, the price for a manual k cup sealer is very affordable, you are not going to get into any trouble even though you fail in starting your k cup business! If you are very familiar with the k cup industry, I will suggest you purchase a fully automatic machine, which will Save labor because everything is fully automatic when you choose a fully automatic machine

3/28/2021 12:15:59 PM    
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