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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Virgin human hair-dreaming hair
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Virgin human hair-dreaming hair
cymhairno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Virgin human hair-dreaming hair
Hey guys, Today I'm gonna be discussing virgin hair, what it is and what it isn't, and why your stylist wants to know. Okay, so just fix this real quick, straight here. Okay, and why your stylist wants to know. So virgin hair is any hair that has never been color treated or chemically treated before. So you never had a carrier that never had a perm, you never put color on your head, you never lifted color out of your hair as well. Dreaming hair is one of the best hair online shop in the world which supply ,lace frontal , Lace wig , lace closure and hair weave bundles,Gulueless wig with bangs and bob lace wig. So why would ask you that is, if you're gonna go lighter, we can make your hair lighter with color, we don't have to bleach it or color extract it or use any other chemicals to break the color molecules, you can go from level two, three, to level five or six just using color. But if your hair has been color treated before, or we have you dyed your hair before, we won't be able to do that with just color, you're going to need bleach to do that. It's the only way to break down the color molecules and actually lift you later unless you have virgin hair. So if you tell your stylist you've never colored your hair before, but you know, three years ago, you were a redhead, then you went blonde, and then you went dark, but you haven't touched it since then you're not a virgin, well, you don't have virgin hair. So even if your hairs, you know, shoulder length, and you haven't done it in a year, from like, here, down, that's all color treated hair, everything from like your ear up, that's virgin hair. So you have to approach that hair a little differently. If you called your hair when you were 20 and you've gotten, you know, 30 haircuts and you're now 2017 never touched your hair again with any kind of chemical, then you have virgin hair again. Okay? But if it was in the last like two or three years and your hair is kind of like down pasture, you know, shoulders middle, your back, that's not going to be virgin hair. So maybe the first couple inches taller but not not you're enjoying your matcha so just keep that in mind when your spouse asked you if you ever colored your hair before. If you've done it within the last couple of years. Yes, the answer is going to be Yes you did.

3/28/2021 12:15:18 PM    
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