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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » RAINBOW SIX SIEGE NOMAD'S LOADOUTS: ARX200
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The ARX is my preferred primary, not only because it has a lower time-to-kill when not landing the early headshot than the AK-74M, but because I can safely use it as a long range gun with its ACOG and get more than a few shots in before starting to recoil off the target. This is a very reliable weapon, and the 20 round mag really isn't as big an issue as most people may feel borrowing from experiences with Hibana's Type-89. Nomad's playstyle doesn't require her to put herself in danger as much and thanks to her gadget she's generally in good control of what engagements she can take and which ones require repositioning.

I've been using the ARX with an ACOG and Muzzle Brake to great success, only ever pulling out the .44 to pixel out defenders, since the .44's sight is clearer and has a far smaller reticle than the regular ACOG sight.

Nomad also has the choice between Stun Grenades & Breaching Charges. Stun Grenades are by far the more popular choice here and I agree. On a lot of operators I tend to favor Breaching Charges more than other players at my skill level, and that is because I always have vertical play and independence to open a hatch or a soft wall on my mind. On Nomad however, you're already busy setting up whatever your Air Jab route is going to be, and focusing on narrowing down potential roamer positions. You're not ever really getting the chance to move about and start breaching stuff or playing vertically, so I say go for the Stuns.

You can also use the stuns to bait people into peeking you into an Air Jab trap, to mask the sound of you shooting an Air Jab close up to enemies, and in generally you can bank-shot yourself closer to the enemy and take positions in a safer manner than if you lacked the stuns.

Check Game CDKEYS for more info and deals on Rainbow Six Siege.

1/25/2019 9:35:31 AM   
Watkins418no Access no Access no Access 
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Nomad, a defender operator in Rainbow Six Siege, is known for her versatility and ability to disrupt the enemy team. Her signature gadget, the Airjab Launcher, can deploy proximity mines that disorient and knock back anyone who gets too close. When it comes to weaponry, Nomad's ARX200 assault rifle is a reliable and customizable option.

In the comments section, you could share your thoughts on the ARX200's performance and how you like to set it up for different situations. You could also mention how practicing with the ARX200 in a shooting range simulator can help you improve your aim and recoil control. Here's an example comment:

"I find the ARX200 to be a well-rounded weapon that's great for close to medium-range engagements. I usually equip it with a red dot sight, a compensator, and a vertical grip for better handling. It's also a good idea to practice with the ARX200 in a range simulator to get used to its recoil pattern and improve your accuracy."

3/1/2024 5:49:13 PM   
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » RAINBOW SIX SIEGE NOMAD'S LOADOUTS: ARX200

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