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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Tutorials » create Gallery
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create Gallery
Cyberlordno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
Group: Administrator
Level: heavy Spammer

Posts: 3610
Joined: 3/11/2004
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Here you will see a short Tutorial of creating a Gallery in your Forum.

Step 1: Login with your Username and Password in your Forum:

Step 2: First click on Gallery at the upper left, then click on "create Gallery":

Step 3: Type in Title of Gallery (Thumbnail is optional) and choose Assortment:

Step 4: Type in URL of Image, Video or Music (e.g., Title and Download-URL are optional), above you see the already added Images:

Supported Formats

Images: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif (further not tested yet)
Video: avi, mpg, wmv, asf, asx, mov
Audio: wma, wav, mp3, mid
Flash: swf, fla

Step 5: If you move over an added Image, you will see detailed informations about the images, at Options you can edit or delete the image:


Here you can write your comments to the images.
Tell a Friend:
With this function, you can send fast and easy the link of the image to friends.

Here you can vote for the image from 10 (best) to 1 (worst).
Informations about the Author and amount of image-views.
Here you can download the Image/Video/Music-File.

Further functions are still in work and will be published here.

If you doesn't have already your own forum, you can create one here:

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6/5/2005 7:43:29 PM    
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Tutorials » create Gallery

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