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A person getting car sick is bad enough. No one likes feeling nauseated from motion sickness and certainly no one likes cleaning up after the experience either! But even worse is when you have a pet that is prone to motion sickness.

A person who has a tendency toward car sickness can always plan ahead and possibly take a medication that relieves the symptoms or use some Where can i buy acepromazine for dogs other method such as pressure point therapy to combat the problem. But a dog can't communicate its needs like a human. Often you don't know there's a problem until you hear that dreaded "urping" sound -- and by then it's too late!

What is it that causes a dog to get car sick? It's actually not all that different from humans. In fact, it's often just the luck of the draw, as it were. Some dogs, and even cats, are just plain prone to car sickness. But there are some things you can do to prevent the problem. - Entdecken Sie innovative Rucksäcke und Taschen sowie hochwertige JW PEI Schuhe im Shop. Fair produziert - Damen, Herren, unisex
7/15/2022 8:13:30 PM    
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