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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » How To Get Started In Value Investing
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How To Get Started In Value Investing
alesyakutepovano Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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The two largest investment companies in America offer no-load funds: Fidelity and Vanguard. No-load funds have no sales charge because you deal directly with the fund company. That means no sales charges, no commissions, no sales pressure.

No-load funds are just like the ones you get through a rep, except you save money by doing the leg work yourself. But how do you pick funds to GT Invest money in? How do you think the newer reps do it? They mix it up with some stock funds and some bond funds.

Don't try to pick the best funds based on past performance data. Simply go with no-load index funds. They don't try to beat the stock market or bond market. They simply track an index that represents a market. Thus, you don't need to worry about picking funds that perform poorly relative to their benchmark or competition. - Entdecken Sie innovative Rucksäcke und Taschen sowie hochwertige JW PEI Schuhe im Shop. Fair produziert - Damen, Herren, unisex
6/9/2022 11:23:35 PM    
Liamno Access no Access no Access 
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Hello, tell me who invests in what. A friend advised me to trade metals online. Found fullerton markets
who traded, what can you say? I found a review of the company here seems to be quite good, who can advise on this topic longer?

6/20/2022 10:38:03 AM   
Tommy83no Access no Access no Access 
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hi. thx for the info. this helps me a lot

7/11/2022 3:04:16 PM   
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