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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » A new type of degassing unit device is introduced below
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A new type of degassing unit device is introduced below
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Crude stabilization - degassing unit

By removing dissolved gases and hydrogen sulfide, crude stabilization and sweetening processes diminish safety and corrosion problems. Gases are removed by a stabilizer. Sweetening employs stabilization or vaporization processes along with a gas or steam-based stripping agent.

Removing dissolved gases by stabilization requires level control in the reboiler unit. Sweetening by stage vaporization and trayed stabilization require level control in a series of staged separators. Sweetening by reboiled trayed stabilization requires additional level control in a reboiler.

The concentration of aluminum alloy wires is that the wires are locally brittle and have poor bending performance. The main reason is that the magnesium element in the aluminum alloy liquid changes the dissolution rate of hydrogen in the liquid aluminum, improves the solubility of hydrogen, and makes the aluminum alloy liquid contain The amount of hydrogen is much higher than ordinary molten aluminum.
If the hydrogen and impurities in the aluminum alloy liquid are not removed, the mechanical properties such as bending and torsion of the aluminum alloy wire will hardly meet the quality requirements.
At present, large domestic aluminum processing industries and manufacturers of aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy wires have installed degassing equipment on aluminum casting and rolling production lines to reduce the hydrogen content of aluminum alloy liquid to less than 0.12mg/100ml.
The performance of alloy wires has met the needs of engineering, and alloy wires can be widely used.
In view of this, it is particularly important to develop efficient and stable degassing devices. A new type of degassing unit device is introduced below.

5/26/2022 9:11:23 AM   
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » A new type of degassing unit device is introduced below

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