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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Adtech Industries offers Graphite ring
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Adtech Industries offers Graphite ring
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Adtech Industries offers Graphite ring which are manufactured using high-grade material imported from the most credible sources. We offer our customers a broad range of Carbon Graphite Rings, which are available in various sizes and specifications. Carbon Graphite Rings are available for mechanical seals. We offer Carbon Graphite Rings in various sizes and designs and with close dimensional tolerance for use as an integral part of mechanical seals.

BrandRGLThickness5 mm to 275 mmOD10 mm to 300 mmID5 mm to 275 mmColorBlackGradeGrade-I, Grade-II (Fine), Grade-III (Normal), Imported Grade

4/12/2022 10:14:30 AM   
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Adtech Industries offers Graphite ring

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