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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Voting-Tool / Umfragen » Restaurant sues Google for prioritizing search delivery app
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Restaurant sues Google for prioritizing search delivery app
kafa88no Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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When Google sends a customer to a delivery app restaurant lost money New lawsuit alleges

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A Florida restaurant group sued Google for allegedly prioritizing the food delivery app over directing users to the establishment's website.A lawsuit filed in the Northern California District Court on March 8 by Left Field Holdings alleges that Google will allow users to make

purchases through a direct search button. "Order online" that takes the user to another Google ordering page where the order is sold. to food delivery companies Although this system may allow users to order more easily. But it has a negative effect on the restaurant. The delivery app charges fees as high as 20%, which is why restaurants want customers to order directly with them.

The lawsuit (see below) said this strategy was "Prey and Switch"Google has never bothered to ask restaurants for permission to sell their products online," the lawsuit said. "Google intends to design the website to be visible to users for restaurant support and approval when it is not.

3/15/2022 9:13:24 AM    
Liveri47no Access no Access no Access 
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I dont think that there is anything bad in promoting a delivery app. Normally most restaurants work with the help of a delivery app to get a good sale and people also prefer delivery at home. I have seen that almost these all restaurants use the delivery app to boost their sales and it's a plus point for them to use the delivery apps.

6/1/2022 6:28:38 AM  
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Voting-Tool / Umfragen » Restaurant sues Google for prioritizing search delivery app

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