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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » 2023 Cadillac Lyriq Sold Out, More EVs Not Available Until Next Summer
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2023 Cadillac Lyriq Sold Out, More EVs Not Available Until Next Summer
kafa88no Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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If you want to put the slot 2023 Cadillac Lyriq on the road, I have bad news: the electric SUV is sold out and sold out in 10 minutes. But the brand has no plans for more cars until the summer of 2022. I'm not sure what will happen here, but I feel like Cadillac is underestimating the EV's popularity, or really wants to brag. The fact that the first EV sold out very quickly

I say so because it's unclear what version of the Lyriq Debut Edition Cadillac plans to build. Brand declined to disclose the numbers when Roadshow reached out for comment, however, assuming there weren't many. This will make it easier to fill out the booking form. "As a reminder Any customer interested in Lyriq that doesn't book on Saturday?

The 2023 Lyriq will be available to order from next summer,” the spokesperson said.All of the brands said in a statement issued shortly after the order was closed. "Over 200,000 people have expressed interest in learning more about cars and our electric future.

These Debut Edition cars should reach customers in "early 2022," according to major automaker General Motors. It was actually faster than previously anticipated. But there's quite a gap between that and the standard Lyriq release. Cadillac continues to call the Lyriq a 2023 model year for orders next summer,

with the next SUV likely to hit customers late summer/early fall next year. This may change with the state of the supply chain and continued chip shortages.The Lyriq starts at $59,990, although it's unlikely the Debut Edition will have such a price tag. Take that cost into account when standard cars are available around this time next year.

9/21/2021 9:59:57 AM    
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