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Forum Overview » Beispiel-Kategorie / Example Category » Beispiel-Forum / Example Forum » up again keep those lines open don't hold
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up again keep those lines open don't hold
noorshaishhno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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you don't want to take a shorter step on one side to the other because that'll actually create a muscular imbalances trying to balance a make sure you trying to mimic your motions identically from left to right nice long step wat distributed evenly between your front and rear leg back perfectly flat longs open can higher if possible it's nice and quick barely enough for touch the ground before you drive it near right back up again good stuff I its left there's no rest on this was going right into the next exercise was me jumping jacks a good switcher nice full range emotional jumpin Jack keepers arms almost completely straight is a very slight bend elbow to you those arms straight up over her shoulders back down your sides nice quick motion keeping everything nice and rigid next up to me but occurs and switches because he'll come up towards that but really nice and quick believe that for Tesla ground which were here comes right back your breath as we Elite Test 360 have no arrests on this one you've got to keep those lines open gots a few more seconds slower switch after flight Jackson rehearses with your hands in front of your chest and start-up so it has come back and forth run from

5/13/2015 8:13:31 AM    
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Forum Overview » Beispiel-Kategorie / Example Category » Beispiel-Forum / Example Forum » up again keep those lines open don't hold

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