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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » Fuze Bug great For Indoor usage & Hiking or Camping Trip
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Fuze Bug great For Indoor usage & Hiking or Camping Trip
chrisdanyno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Fuze Bug, on the other hand, doesn't have to use any harmful chemicals as it uses a completely different method for repelling insects. Since it uses a high voltage zap to get rid of bugs, there is no presence of any liquid chemical in it whatsoever. All it needs is an electric current and it is good to go. Being chemical free also means that the FuzeBug is safe to use around children as well. As it has a double protective layer around the zap layer, there is no chance of any child getting near it. Not only that but the added benefit of having a UV-free lighting also increases the safety of using Fuze Bug around children and pets.Fuze Bug comes with a full-sized LED light embedded within it that can be adjusted to one's liking.It has four different lighting modes, each with its own brightness. You can change between 0%, 20%, 50%, and 100% brightness. So, whether you need a night light to sleep to or want something bright to help you focus with work, Fuze Bug has got you covered. And, since the light also has a bug-repellent function in it, you can sleep or continue to be productive without worrying about any insects.

5/27/2021 11:46:30 PM   
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