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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Feature-Request » welcome again,I have next question
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welcome again,I have next question
Marono Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Level: Frischling

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Joined: 3/17/2007
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Hello, Could you make shoutbox for Michael Jackson Polish Board (MJJPB). I mean shoutbox where users have to log in. I need shoutbox with `log in` because users were cheating and they were using false nicks. Users Thank you for your time and answer. Sincerely, MaroLächeln

ps.My english is poor so if you don`t understand me you`ll write to me.Breites Grinsen

edited by Maro on 3/28/2007 7:19:32 PM
3/28/2007 7:19:21 PM  
Cyberlordno Access no Access no Access 
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Hello Maro,

your english is not so bad! ;)

Should the shoutbox appear on every page?
Top or bottom of the page?

We plan a portal for the forum and there will also be a shoutbox.
The new portal will be ready in few weeks.


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3/28/2007 7:56:03 PM    
Marono Access no Access no Access 
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Thank you for answer Cyberlord. The shoutbox should appear not on every page but only on front page. Bottom of the page. With option `turn on` the shoutbox on every forums by Administrators. cheers

3/28/2007 9:50:43 PM  
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Feature-Request » welcome again,I have next question

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