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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Newsletter » Thorin Oakenshield
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Thorin Oakenshield
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Joined: 3/4/2024
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I find Thorin to be one of the most complex and compelling characters in The Hobbit. While he exhibits noble qualities - his determination, courage, and willingness to reclaim his homeland - he is also flawed in significant ways. His pride and greed for the treasure of Erebor leads him to mistrust Bilbo and threatens his relationships with the elves and men.

Despite this, I still find Thorin to be a sympathetic character. His flaws make him feel more realistic and relatable. And his ultimate sacrifice to protect others shows that he overcomes his more negative qualities in the end. Thorin's complicated mix of heroic and unlikable traits makes him an intriguing, nuanced character.

His personality and internal struggles add depth to the story. Overall, the qualities I most admire are his strong sense of honor and desire to reclaim his people's legacy, even against impossible odds. He is stubborn and prideful, but also brave and loyal. His complexity makes him one of the most memorable dwarves in Tolkien's works.

3/4/2024 11:03:32 AM    
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Newsletter » Thorin Oakenshield

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