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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » What is the digitalization of chemical process industries?
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What is the digitalization of chemical process industries?
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Joined: 11/6/2023
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The digital transformation in chemical industry focuses on the integration of modern digital technologies into various aspects of chemical manufacturing and processing. Equipping the latest IoT sensors that constantly monitor and collect data on temperature, pressure, and other parameters that are taken into consideration in chemical manufacturing.

The collected data can be analysed in real-time using sophisticated software to optimise how the chemicals are produced. This process can help organisations minimise waste, improve product quality, and even predict potential issues before they occur, preventing costly downtime.

Additionally, digitalization helps in better managing the supply chain by tracking inventory, optimising logistics, and accurately forecasting demand. This means smoother operations and reduced costs.

12/8/2023 11:15:35 AM    
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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » What is the digitalization of chemical process industries?

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