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Forum Overview » Homepagetools - Support » Off-Topic » The top 7 monsters in Minecraft you may not know
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The top 7 monsters in Minecraft you may not know
hipohahano Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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In the open world of Minecraft, nothing is impossible, and with the addition of mobs to the map, monsters in paper minecraft are an interesting experience for those who love horror.
1. Baby Zombie and Chicken Jockey
Regular zombies are pretty easy to deal with. They can be dangerous at very close distances, but with their slow movement, you can completely handle them. Unlike normal zombies, Baby Zombie and Chicken Jockey will make the game more difficult.
These zombies have huge improvements in movement speed and attack. Although the damage is smaller, the rapid attacks wear down your shield. Even worse, zombies riding a chicken will shield Baby Zombie and Chicken Jockey zombies and remove their ability to deal damage when falling.
2. Guardian Elder
They are better known for their scares when passing a monument in the ocean, but the older guardians are quite difficult to deal with in battle.
You have to fight this elderly guardian in the water, which makes moving a bit more difficult. It also has a lot of attacks, but you can't be too greedy when attacking if you don't want to be lasered and take damage.
3. Witches
Witches are a bit different from other hostile mobs, as they are not a great source of direct damage. However, it's best to avoid the witch's sight whenever you encounter one.
They deal direct damage via splash potion, which can be dangerous for you, as the range is huge. You need to take a long time to kill, because they will quickly neutralize the damage you deal with the healing potion. They can also spawn in the dark, so you'll get splashed with poison if you're not careful.
4. Rickets
Withered skeletons are said to be the greatest danger in the Nether Fortress. While they don't deal too much direct damage, they can cause a withering effect on you, which can be fatal in some cases.
Withering is similar to being poisoned, as it deals damage over time. Even if you've killed a withered skeleton, you still have a chance of withering and dying if you face a monster with low health. This is why it's really helpful to have golden apples on hand when exploring a fortress.
5. Wild boar
These boar variants were the reason why so many players feared raiding the ruins of the Nether's fortress. Unlike regular wild boars, wild boars attack the player as soon as they see them wearing golden armor.
Wild boars have the same damage as vindicators but twice the health. It doesn't help that there are quite a few of them lying in the remnants of the fortress, and you can hardly avoid facing this monster because of the tight space.
6. Dragon Ender
One of the game's main bosses, the dragon Ender, certainly deserves its reputation as Minecraft's de facto final boss. The Ender Dragon can deal massive damage in a variety of ways, whether it's breathing dragons, shooting a fireball at you, or simply flying straight at you.
Ender has been very popular in the Minecraft community. Lowering her defense is also relatively easy, as long as you have the skill to shoot arrows at the End Crystal Towers.
7. Wither
In some respects, Wither is a more dangerous boss than the dragon Ender. First, it's much more explosive, whether the literal explosion it spawns or the withering skull it shoots at you, which can give you a withering effect. The Wither's strength is also greater than that of the Ender dragon, as the Ender dragon relies heavily on End crystals for defense.

7/14/2023 9:08:25 AM   
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