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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Auburn football Carnell Williams continu
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Auburn football Carnell Williams continu
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Auburn Interim Head Coach Carnell Williams held a zoom call with player parents Wednesday night. Here are a few takeaways.A parent that I spoke to thought the world of coach Williams. Doug Gilmour Women Jersey Described listening to him was like "being in church." The call took about an hour and a sizable chunk of the call was devoted to Williams apologizing to the parents for the previous administration that he was a part of for not holding kids accountable academically.Williams informed the parents that several players were mi sing cla s but he promised Beau Bennett Kids Jersey that focus changed as soon as he took over as interim head coach. This news surprised several parents. A parent that I spoke to called their son after the meeting and it sounds like it was widely known acro s the team that they Carl Gunnarsson Kids Jersey could get away with mi sing cla s and not focusing on school. The player noted that there has been more accountability in the short time since the change has been made.Williams spent time talking Al Macinnis Men Jersey about how ble sed he was to be in this situation and that he loves Auburn and that it is an honor to get to lead their sons for the rest of the season. He noted that he never thought he NHL St Louis Blues Men Jersey 'd be in the situation he's in but he is excited to serve the Auburn family.Engage with Auburn Daily on Socials!

22.02.2023 05:52:54   
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