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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Recapping the best college football bets
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Recapping the best college football bets
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Beiträge: 389
Mitglied seit: 22.02.2023
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Welcome to the latest recap of Borba's Bets where I look back at how my picks for best bets did over the weekend.I have been extremely consistent in terms of how well I have done, as for the third straight week I was correct on 2/4 bets. I am still searching for my first perfect weekend, but as it stands right now I am staying firm with a Cleveland Cavaliers Hats record of 6-6.Let's take Shawn Kemp Jersey a look at where I went wrong, and where I was absolutely correct! #2 Ohio State vs. #13 Penn State, IncorrectBet: Ohio State -15I am now 0-2 on bets that involve Ohio State, and I could pretty much tell as soon as this game started that it wasn't going to hit. Penn State was playing the Buckeyes extremely tough, and until a late fourth quarter surge I had no hope. Had Ohio State not given up a late touchdown that really meant nothing, this bet hits. #10 USC vs. Arizona, CorrectBet: Over 75When it comes to both USC and Arizona, there are two things I know for certain. One, both of them have high scoring offenses, while their defenses on the other hand struggle Tristan Thompson Jersey to keep opponents out of the end zone. Of all of the bets I was the least nervous about this one hitting, as they combined to score 82 points. #17 Illinois vs. Nebraska, CorrectBet: Under 50.5Illinois is quietly having one of the best seasons in college football, as their defense continues to be as stout as they come. I felt confident that they would be able to contain this struggling Nebraska team Cleveland Cavaliers Jeresy , and while injuries are never good, it was evident that after Casey Thompson went down that Nebraska posed no threats. Illinois has still not given up more than 14 points in what is now six games straight. Florida vs. #1 Georgia, IncorrectBet: Georgia -23.5The oddsmakers continue to hurt me with their lines that come so close to what the results are. Georgia won by 22, which is good for them, bad for Borba's Larry Johnson Jersey bets.Scroll to Continue

22.02.2023 05:05:04   
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