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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » WATCH Chip Kelly Talks Awarded Scholarsh
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WATCH Chip Kelly Talks Awarded Scholarsh
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UCLA football coach Chip Kelly spoke to reporters ahead of Wednesday morning's practice se sion. Kelly talked about how the defense has adjusted to Bill McGoverns system, the emergence of linebacker JonJon Vaughns, Alex Johnson earning Nick Pasquales No. 36, the six walk-ons who earned scholarships and the Bruins connection with Oaks Christian (CA).McGovern in the box or on the field?Billy will be in the box.Impre sions of what he's teaching and how he's been able to implement his defense?I think all of those guysand I look at the defense collectively, weve got a couple of new faces with Ikaika and Chad and Ken and Billy to go along with Brian, who was here beforeI think theyve meshed really well as a group, I think theyve done a really good job Harrison Barnes Jersey of presenting a package to our defense that I think our defense that I think our kids up front at the second level and at the secondary understand, theyve got a pretty good grasp of what were doing and I think they have been really conscious of what they put in, making sure we understand it and grasp it before we move on to the next step, theres building blocks in terms of how were doing things, but Ive been really impre sed with how our defense has played in the spring and then through preseason camp and now we get a chance to get tested on Saturday in our first real test against another team, but Ive been impre sed with all those guys.Alex Johnson got No. 36?He did. Obviously, its a really cool tradition here honoring one of the former great walk-ons here and we just continued that tradition when we took over here. I had heard about Nick and we have Danny Fields and Jerry Neuheisel on our staff, who had a chance to play with Nick, and I thought it was a great idea to do, weve had some great kids, you know it was really cool that Ethan had a chance to present it to him even though he was in camp with the Colts, a chance to talk about it and make sure everybody understands what that award is about, thats Alexhes given everything to this program, hes graduated in four years, hes in grad school now, plays a significant amount of snaps for us on special teams and plays in our sub packages on defense and has done a great job. I know hell tell you its an honor to wear it but there was no more fitting guy to be that guy than Alex.Come with a scholarship?Its not tied to that, no.Transition with new defensive coaches in installation and learning from last year?It hasnt been a big difference at all. I think they did a really good job of putting together a packagetheres a lot of carryover from what we did before, especially terminology-wise, there may be tweak here and there, we may have called it this and the will Peja Stojakovic Jersey linebacker plays it a little differently from a technique standpoint, but I think all those guys blended really, really well, the fact that Brian was here and understood what we did in the past and I think whenever you are where we were at that point and time, we want to be conscious not to baby out with the bath water. You know, lets keep the things weve DaQuan Jeffries Jersey done really well on and lets improve on the things we need to get better at and I think thats what those guys have done.JonJon the guy at Will linebacker?Theres a bunch of guys playing thereJonJons playing there, CBS is playing there, Kain is playing there, so youll see a lot of guys rotating through there and were going to have to play a lot of guys on Saturday, you know, weather will dictate that but that had been our plan all along.JonJon at top of two-deep despite mi sing spring?JonJons a football player and its funny I was with John Savage a few nights ago, there was a function here and it was the same thing, hes just got a great football mind, hes got a great athletic mind and he picks things up very, very quickly. It really didnt seem like youre two days into fall practice, preseason camp, its not like this kid wasnt here for the entire spring, its just, he kind of picked up where he left off last December and hasnt mi sed a beat. Really excited with where he is, this will be Year 3 with him, you know he transitioned from being a safety in high school and was a safety here and has moved into the linebacker spot and done a nice job for us, so were hoping he takes another step this fall.Baseball tendencies that carry over?Hes great on a 3-and-2 count. One thing I do notice about all baseball players and they have a great ability and its a great question they can shake things off a lot easier than maybe a football player because they have so many opportunities and succe s in baseball is being three for 10. You know, youre hitting .300 and thats a good day and if youre three for 10 in football then youre probably not going to be on the field, but I think his ability to move on to the next play is a really important thing and I think all great competitors know how to respondyou know, once an event happens learn from what that event was but then move on to the next event and I think hes done a really good job of that. Thats why, its to him, to some guysalthough he wasnt here for the springthats a really big deal; to JonJon its not a big deal, hes been used to playing sports his entire lifein the fall he does this and in the spring he does this and in the fall he transitions back, so where we may be concerned as coaches Willie Cauley-Stein Jersey because this is just our world in football of, you know, he wasnt here in the spring and he came in here and it wasnt a big deal to him, he didnt act like it was a big deal and he picked up right away, so I think his approach to things and maybe its more of a baseball player mindset is, youve just got to go on to the next play or the next at-bat or the next swing has really helped him transition to what were doing now.JonJon in the playbook during baseball?Scroll to ContinueI don't know, that's a good question for him. I'm not sure if he was or wasn't, but I know he knows it now and he's done a really nice job this Reggie Theus Jersey camp, so.Kaz Allen and Kam Brown bigger roles this year?Yeah, I mean obviously with Kaz, you've got a guy who's got outstanding speed, and I think we've known that since he's come in here and we tried to put him in different situations. He's done a great job for us kick returning and he's really done a good job as we transitioned him out to wideout of being able to stretch the defense and get behind people. And we've hit a couple balls over the top to him Hawaii in the opener a year ago, head a big one against USC in that game. So I think his ability to kinda stretch the defense is a really big deal for us, but we also have he can do some other things too. So

22.02.2023 04:55:17   
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