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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Dyaisha Fair Leads Syracuse to Win Over
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Dyaisha Fair Leads Syracuse to Win Over
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If you bleed orange, theres lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving as Coach Legette-Jack and the SU Womens basketball team secure their fifth win of the season against the Bucknell Bisons.It was a game that started and ended in a Yogi Berra Jersey very physical matchup. Though Syracuse trailed by four at the end of the first quarter, they rallied back with the help of their star player, Dyaisha Fair, to secure a 65-48 win.Fair had a total of 25 out of the total 65 points tonight and was the reason Syracuse got the lead in the second quarter and kept it that way the rest of the game. Masahiro Tanaka Jersey After the game, Fair came to the pre s conference wearing an orange hard hat with bling representing all she accomplished on the court.Bling for being the bomb, said Coach Felisha Legette-Jack. And all the little things. The points were one thing, but the energy on defense she did and the loose balls she went after. All the different tangibles that you cant see on the stats. Thats the person thats going to get the bling Dellin Betances Jersey for being the bomb.Scroll to ContinueComing into tonights matchup many eyes were on Bucknells Emma Shaffer, the second leading scorer for the Bisons, but Syracuse was able to stop her from scoring any points at all. Coach Felisha Legette-Jack says that her team isnt intimidated by any player.Were not afraid of anybody and their scoring or rebounding, said Coach Jack. We have a job to do about who we are and its never about emphasizing stopping her, its about becoming who we are Don Larsen Jersey supposed to become. As Coach Jack put it, Fair lit the fire for the team and allowed for other players like Teisha Hyman and Dariauna Lewis to score more points. Both Hyman and Lewis combined scored a total of 24 points, just one le s point than Dyaisha Fairs total for the game.In order to keep the momentum going into the upcoming game against Purdue, Coach Jack says they have to first focus on Phil Rizzuto Jersey this win.Were going to enjoy today. Were just trying to really like each other. We love each other but were starting to like each other because were all still fresh, said Coach Jack. Were not going to go forward with Purdue until we celebrate today.Next up, Syracuse takes on Purdue November 30th on the road at 6:00 p.m. Eastern.

22.02.2023 04:34:53   
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