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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » REPORT Another Pac-12 School Eyeing Move
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REPORT Another Pac-12 School Eyeing Move
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Mitglied seit: 22.02.2023
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In addition to premier brands like USC and UCLA, it appears as though another major Pac-12 school is eyeing a move to the Big Ten conference.According to Brett McMurphy of , the University of Oregon has initiated Anthony Lawrence II Jersey preliminary discu sions with the Big Ten conference to determine if the move makes sense."Oregon has initiated preliminary discu sions with the Big Ten Dejan Vasiljevic Jersey in Chicago to determine if the Ducks are compatible in the conference, sources told Action Network," McMurphy wrote."Outgoing University of Oregon President Michael Shill, Oregon AD Rob Mullens and Big Ten commi sioner Kevin Warren were not involved in the discu sions in Chicago, another source said."Scroll to ContinueIt's clear that the Big Ten has no intention of slowing down when it comes to expansion. In fact, McMurphy has its Rodney Miller Jr. Jersey eye on several premier programs that would potentially be a good fit - including Notre Dame, Oregon, Washington, Stanford, Cal, Miami and Florida State.Although the Big Ten conference will continue to explore all options on expansion moving forward, commi sioner Kevin Warren says that his primary focus at the moment is on the new additions in 2024. When I say add Zach Johnson Jersey value: value is important, but I just look at the fit, Warren said. A fit has to be there academically, has to be there athletically. All those things are Sean Taylor Jersey really important. There are a handful of schools that potentially could add value to us, but Im so focused right now that we welcome USC and UCLA to our conference in 2024 with open arms.

22.02.2023 04:17:17   
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