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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » How good is Utahs run defense How good is Utahs run defense
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How good is Utahs run defense How good is Utahs run defense
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Question: How did the position group improve from Week 1 to Week 2?Luther Elli s: "The opponent was different, but you still gotta work on your technique. It doesn't matter who you're going against; you've gotta have great technique. We did not have that the first game. We did not play the way we were capable of playing. It was good to see the Deacon Jones Jersey guys step up this last week. Of course, there's still a lot of things we've got to get better at. But I felt like overall, the guys were better technicians, better energy. It was just a better outing Matthew Orzech Jersey by our guys."Question:What can that growth be attributed to?Luther Elli s:"As much as we do have experience, we're still young. No excuses, but we still have young guys, and they've got to learn how to handle themselves. No matter what kind of game, what kind of environment, no matter who you're playing. Whether you're playing SUU or Florida or Alabama, you've got to show up every day and get the work Jared Hocker Jersey in and play like you're supposed to play."Question:How would you a se s the run defense?Scroll to ContinueLuther Elli s:"Right now, I think we have the potential to be really, really good. But we have to do things the right way. The first game, we didn't get it done the right way. Second game was a lot betterdifferent opponent, SUU is still respectable, those guys are still big guys up front. They're doing a good job up front. But I thought our guys responded the way they should have this last week."Question:What are you most confident in about the defense?Luther Elli Nick Scott Jersey s:"We just have guys that I call dogs. Guys that want to play, guys that love this game, guys that want to get it done. When you have that kind of attitude, you have nothing but up. You can only get better. Guys feed off each otheryou saw that this past JuJu Hughes Jersey game, guys feeding off each other and good things happening. When you have that kind of attitude, that's a good thing. Doesn't matter what's happening out there, as long as we stay with that positive attitude, and show up and be dogs, good things are going to happen."Facebook - Twitter - Instagram -

22.02.2023 04:08:11   
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