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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Just In Vols Lose Star WR in Akron Game
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Just In Vols Lose Star WR in Akron Game
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Beiträge: 389
Mitglied seit: 22.02.2023
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Tenne see star wide receiver Cedric Tillman will not return for the Vols in their game against Akron, the ESPN+ broadcast confirms. Kris Boyd Jersey Tillman took a hard shot to the leg when getting tackled on Sheldon Richardson Jersey an eight-yard reception midway through the second quarter.The broadcast also stated Tillman said 'I'm good' when exiting the injury tent.Tillman had already been banged up earlier in the night on Dylan Sampson's touchdown run that made the game 14-0.Scroll to ContinueTillman was down for an extended period of Bashaud Breeland Jersey time after taking the hit but ultimately walked off his own power with a severe limp.The lower body injury has not been specified yet, but a knee injury is more than likely what Tillman is dealing with.The Vols Tye Smith Jersey will lean on their deep wide receiving corps in the second Harrison Hand Jersey half with Tillman done for the night.Stay tuned with Volunteer Country's coverage after the game to see what Josh Heupel says regarding Tillman's injury.

22.02.2023 04:01:02   
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