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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Watch Lane Kiffin Face Cutout Used as Bu
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Watch Lane Kiffin Face Cutout Used as Bu
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Beiträge: 389
Mitglied seit: 22.02.2023
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If you're a fan of Tenne see Football, you Carl Nassib Jersey know Lane Kiffin.And chances are you're not a fan of the Mi si sippi Football head coach.Tenne see fans have made their disdain for Kiffin clear over the years, especially last year when a fan threw a golf ball at Kiffin during the Tenne see-Ole Mi s game in Neyland Stadium. Also during that game, what would become an infamous mustard bottle was thrown on to the sidelines of Shields Josh Jacobs T Shirts -Watkins Field.A Mustard bottle made its return to a field in East Tenne see last night at Smokies Stadium, where Tenne see Smokies (Chicago Cubs AA affiliate) fans were seen throwing a mustard bottle at a cutout of Lane Kiffin's Derek Carr T Shirts face that was on a skeleton sitting on a chair.One particular video was released by Tenne see Smokies Twitter page that showed a kid rifling a mustard bottle at Kiffin's face, hitting it so hard that the entire head came off the skeleton.Scroll to ContinueThe video went crazy on social media, with Tenne see fans eating up the content and Ole Mi s fans getting into the mix as well.But the most popular account that got in on the fun was none Derek Carr Jersey other than Lane Kiffin.Kiffin has been seen engaging with the hatred from Tenne see Football fans on Twitter plenty of times, and it happened again with the Smokies video.The rivalry between Kiffin and the Tenne see fanbase continues to create hilarious content that shows no Las Vegas Raiders Pet Gear time of slowing down anytime soon.And it's even better that both coaches engage with it, as Kiffin is really active on social media and Josh Heupel brought up the golf ball incident at SEC Media Days.Photo Credit: Dale Zanine

22.02.2023 03:56:19   
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