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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Notre Dame WR Commit Cam Williams Is Dom
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Notre Dame WR Commit Cam Williams Is Dom
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Notre Dame wide receiver commit Cam Williams has been on fire to start the 2024 season, and he's ready for yet another visit to his future home. The Glen Ellyn (Ill.) Glenbard South star is averaging sixreceptions and 125.7 receiving yards per game with seven total touchdowns through three contests.The 2024 commit John Franklin-Myers Jersey is pleased with his teams start to the season and is even more excited to be visiting South Bend this weekend. With his proximity to the campus, this is only one of multiple journeys to Notre Dame this season for the talented pa s catcher."I wanted to be there for the first game," Williams told Irish Breakdown. "I already had something to do that I couldnt change. Im looking forward to talking to Drayk (Bowen) for sure, and meeting some of the other recruits that will be there."The 6-3, 185-pound four pa s catcher is well on his way to fulfilling the promise most expected with preseason All-State selections and an improved game from off-season workouts. He also received some coaching tips from Notre Dame wide receiver coach Chansi Stuckey.Hes found his voice as a leader for his Glenbard South squad, and hes beginning to find a voice Johnny Hekker Jersey as an important nexus to the 2024 recruiting cla s that has gotten off to an improved start on the offensive side of the ball in comparison to how the 2023 recruiting cla s was built. The Irish Invasion saw the original offensive trio of CJ Carr, Jack Larsen and Williams establishing a bond that quickly led to all three prep Josh Reynolds Jersey stars committing to the Fighting Irish. "We still talk throughout the season," Williams noted. Our teams are doing well and its tough to talk as much as we did over the summer."His other voice is just as important as he takes the lead on connecting with 2024 wide receiver recruits Ryan Wingo and Jeremiah Mcclellan out of St. Louis (Mo.), along with 2024 defensive tackle recruit Justin Scott of Chicago (Ill.). Wingo is seen as the number one receiver in the 2024 cla s and Scott is considered as one of the most important recruits for the Fighting Irish defensively because of his size and athleticism at a position that hearkens back to guys like Stephon Tuitt and Jerry Tillery. Landing Scott would be a tremendous stride towards Notre Dame improving their rush defense and acquiring the championship quality that Marcus Freeman envisions. Williams has locked in with all three athletes and plans to be in attendance during their campus visits. Something special is happening at Notre Dame, Williams explains. Those guys can see it just like me.Williams is looking to lead Glenbard South to a 4-0 record as they visit Streamwood tonight, and then Van Jefferson Jersey bring some of that energy to South Bend with him to watch the Fighting Irish grab their first victory of the season. His confidence in the program, Marcus Freeman and the coaching staff hasnt been affected by the early struggles and hes confident that a win is on the horizon. Theyll get things going," Williams stated. "We talked about winning championships at Notre Dame and that hasnt changed.Scroll to ContinueIrish Breakdown Content Become a premium Irish Breakdown member Greg Gaines Jersey , which grants you acce s to all of our premium content and our premium me sage board! Click on the link below for more.Be sure to stay locked into Irish Breakdown all the time! Follow me on Twitter:

22.02.2023 03:30:51   
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