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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Marcus Freeman Talks JD Bertrands Suspen
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Marcus Freeman Talks JD Bertrands Suspen
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NOTRE DAME, Ind. - Its (finally) on to BYU. Notre Dames bye week is over and Ricky Rubio Jersey the Fighting Irish (2-2) are now in full preparation mode for Saturdays 11th edition of the Shamrock Series in Las Vegas. The bye week came after just four games this season, but head coach Marcus Freeman said at his BYU preview pre s conference that the timing was still good for his staff. "I think you could see the toll on the entire staff in terms of this eight weeks, Freeman commented. "This bye week was really at a good time. I loved the look in the staff this morning, coming back fresh and ready to go. Freeman was on the recruiting trail in Texas at the end of the bye week. His staff was out in different spots around the country as well Monday, Thursday and Friday. Now that the week five bye has come and gone, the Irish will not have another break through the eight weeks that make up the balance of the rest of the season. After the 0-2 start, Notre Dame had some positive momentum going into the bye after a 24-17 win over Cal, followed by a 45-32 win over North Carolina. A team thats averaging 25 points a game scored 62 points in its final six quarters of action before the off week. "You want to build off the momentum, but to me its the challenge to really re-evaluate and rea se s where you are after each game, Freeman said. "You have a week off, but to me its, lets evaluate the past, evaluate how we can improve, and ultimately put all of our energy and emotion into this game. Freemans approach to accomplish that is simple preparation. "The challenge is to focus on the things that help you get the desired results, right? Its the preparation, how we prepare. JD Bertrand was flagged for targeting in the second half of the North Carolina game after sitting out the first half of the game for the same penalty late in the Cal game. A new NCAA rule allows teams to appeal second half targeting calls this season. If the appeals are denied, the player still has to sit out the first half of his next game. But if the appeal overturns the call on the field, the player gets to play. Freeman had a one-word response to how Betrands appeal went. "Denied, he said with a smirk on his face. "In their opinion, that was a targeting penalty and they denied our appeal and hell be out for the first half Cameron Johnson Jersey of this game."Freeman was then given the chance to expand on what he thought of the call, given Bertrands hit was not a textbook targeting hit with the crown of his helmet on another opponents helmet. He hit North Carolina tight endBryson Nesbitt with his face mask on Nesbitts shoulder. Freeman would not take the bait to rip the decision. "Ill save my opinion, he continued. "But, yeah. We felt like we had a strong appeal and it was denied. With Notre Dames wide receiver depth thin during training camp, Xavier Watts was asked to move to cro s train with the offense. He had played receiver before and he looked good in the drills the media was able to watch him in during camp. The only game action the junior has seen this season has been at safety and Freeman says it will stay that way going forward. "Hes all safety now, Freeman Cheick Diallo Jersey explained. "We tried him in fall camp a little bit, moving him back to offense, but (safeties coach Chris) OLeary wanted to fight every day to keep him on defense. And we just felt his role had more value to our team on defense than to go on offense and really compete to try and get playing time. We knew that defensively there was already a plan for him to play and after a couple practices we said, lets just keep him on defense. Watts played 28 defensive snaps in the North Carolina game, because fellow safeties Ramon Henderson and DJ Brown were both out with injuries. Freeman likes the growth he has seen from the Omaha native. "X is a guy that continuously improves and hes been playing the safety position close to a year, Freeman said. "Hasnt even been a year yet. We moved him, obviously, during the season. But hes getting better and he has a lot of natural ability that we have to continue to coach and mold to be an excellent safety, but he has the talent to do that.Speaking of Henderson (ankle) and Brown (hamstring), their prognosis to return looks good after some extended rest during the Shaquille O'Neal Jersey bye week. Freeman says athletic trainer Rob Hunt texted him Monday morning and relayed to him that both safeties looked really good and were expected to be a go at Mondays practice. "I would expect both of those guys to be ready to go. Freeman said. Freshman Steve Angeli was the scout team quarterback just three weeks ago, but he was elevated to No. 2 QB after the season ending injury to Tyler Buchner. Scroll to Continue"Every practice were out there, its beneficial for Steve, because hes no longer taking scout team reps, Freeman explained. "Hes taking real reps and understanding that at any moment he could be thrust into the game. As I told him the other day, youre not a freshman any more. Youre one play away from being the starting quarterback at Notre Dame and thats the reality of the situation. If it happens, hell be ready to go. So, everyday we prepare, we practice, its a day for Steve Angeli to get better. Freeman shared plenty of thoughts on the tight ends not named Michael Mayer. Mitchell Evans The sophomore has been out since July after foot surgery. "Hes getting closer and closer, Freeman estimated. "If you ask Mitch, hes ready to go, but if you ask the doctors, not quite yet. I hope to see him in another week or two. Cane Berrong Another sophomore who is coming off an injury. He tore an ACL nearly a year ago. "Cane Berrong is getting better, Freeman said. "Hes just starting to practice the entire length of practice, so hes improving. The injuries to Evans and Berrong as well as the more recent ACL injury suffered by Kevin Bauman, have opened the door further for freshmen Eli Raridon and Holden Staes. "Those young guys, man, Freeman said with a smile. "To see Eli Raridon in there, he has Dario Saric Jersey some of those natural abilities that you have to continue to coach and to tailorthe exact details of what you want out of him, right? Eli Raridon is a guy that will go and try and knock your pants (smacks his hands). He and he will try to dominate you. Now, its make sure we use that mentality and put it exactly at the right detail that we need it. Exactly at the right angle point that we need it. He is, gosh, he has it. He has those traits that youre looking for in a great tight end. The same thing with Holden Staes."Those guys are re

22.02.2023 02:42:28   
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