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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Dan Lanning Gives Injury Updates on Ryan
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Dan Lanning Gives Injury Updates on Ryan
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Through two weeks of the season, the Oregon Ducks have been pretty healthy. Starting defensive tackle Popo Aumavae suffered a foot injury in the days leading up to the Georgia game that required surgery and is expected to cause him to mi s the season. Ryan Walk Jahlil Tripp Jersey and Seven McGee have also been battling the injury bug of late.Walk didn't play against Eastern Washington after getting dinged up against Georgia in Atlanta, while wide receiver Seven McGee got shaken up in week two during the first half against Eastern Washington and didn't return.On Monday Lanning met with reporters in Eugene and provided updates to both players.Ryan's one that we probably couldve pushed to get out there, but I think it was a good opportunity for us to give some experience to some other guys that we wanted to be able to see." Lanning said. Very hopeful that hell be back and able to help us this week Gorgui Dieng Jersey .McGee appeared to suffer a leg injury and walked off the field with the help of the medical staff."Seven--I think same thing, knowing we have some other guys that can help us there, but Seven'll be ready to go.As Walk is still recovering from his week one injury the Ducks subbed inMarcus Harper II and Jackson Powers-Johnson in his place. Harper had stepped up in the second half for Walk when he got injured and this week earned a starting role for the first time in his career against Eastern Washington. Powers-Johnson Mike Conley Jersey was not available in the season opener and made his 2022 season debut with the Ducks this past Saturday.Harper has been a bigger a set for the Ducks then some may realize, as he's carving out a role along a veteran offensive line, but it's a group that feels he's ready for the opportunity. With Powers-Johnson returning from his injury Lanning is excited Tyus Jones Jersey to have more players back in rotation and acknowledged the skills the two bring to the table.Scroll to ContinueTheyre both smart players and play with a level of aggre sion. Jackson at times is like a bull in a China shop, I think he would tell you the same thing," Lanning said. "I love his pa sion and energy for football, he loves the game, loves playing ball and you see that show up on film. Overall impre sed with their effort, want to see them both continue to clean up the technical piece of the game.McGees injury seemed to have been a lower leg injury that seemed to bother the sophomore quite a bit Saturday night. Fortunately, McGee was on the sidelines shortly after in better spirits hoping to get back on the field for this weeks big match up.The explosive agility he demonstrated after hurdling an Eastern Washington player early on in the game left fans excited and hungry for more flashy plays.Lanning is hopeful for a full recovery for both players this coming Killian Tillie Jersey Saturday as the Ducks gear up for a Top-25 matchup against the No. 12 BYU Cougars.Follow Josh on Twitter:

22.02.2023 02:38:55   
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