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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Big Ten Roundtable Episode 10 Does Leagu
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Big Ten Roundtable Episode 10 Does Leagu
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Beiträge: 389
Mitglied seit: 22.02.2023
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Welcome to another episode of the ''Big Ten Roundtable,'' as we head down the home stretch in the college football season. There's a lot going on, of course, and we've got you covered with a roundup of all the Walter Frazier Jersey games during a windy Week 10, and a full preview of Saturday's games in Week 11.Our special guest this week is Brendan Gulick, our terrific FanNation/Sports lllustrated publisher who runs our site in Columbus. He does a great job covering Ohio State and we break down a lot of things with him.Among the highlights Charles Oakley Jersey :We talk about Ohio State' 21-7 win at Northwestern last week, where the story of the day was the crazy wind, with gusts measured at 80 miles per hour. It was impo sible to throw the ball, so both teams relied heavily on the run game. It took the Buckeyes a while to get going, and didn't finally take the lead until midway through the third quarter.We also discu sed of more nasty weather in November might be an i sue RJ Barrett Jersey Gulick doesn't think so and if final preparations against Indiana this Saturday and at Maryland next week will be enough for the Buckeyes to be well prepared for the huge Nov. 26 showdown with Michigan in Columbus. Both teams are still undefeated at 9-0 heading into Week 11 action.Scroll to ContinueWe also had a chance to look at some bigger picture i sues with Gulick, including why there's so little talk of BOTH Ohio State and Michigan making the College Football Playoff. There Latrell Sprewell Jersey 's always national talk about the SEC getting multiple teams in, but why don't we do the same with Ohio State and Michigan in the Big Ten? There's a lot of great insight from Gulick.Finally, we talk about whether the NFL will come hard after Ryan Day again now that openings are popping up in Charlotte and Indianapolis. There's more great insight from Brendan there, too.Lastly, we've got all your information on the Week 11 slate, too. So check Derrick Rose Jersey out the whole video. It's great entertainment.Watch the full video here

22.02.2023 02:30:27   
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