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Forum Overview » Alliance » Alliance activities » 2000th Birthday of SOJ :)))
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2000th Birthday of SOJ :)))
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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2000 days young

On the 22nd of July SOJ will be holding 2000 days against the Charr

We will celebrate this with a special activity in the week from the 25th until the 31st of July.

This thread is to collect ideas what activity we should or could do, when and how,...

SOJ officer - You will find only what you bring in.

Marcus The Cube (Mesmer) | Juge Pazair (Monk) | Portos Du Val (Warrior) | Han Jing (Ranger) | Han Wu (Assassin) | Elron Peredhel (Elementalist) |
Mehtu Alibaba | (Dervish) Amenhotep Meryamun (Paragon) | Lares Vargos (Necromancer) | Abaris Du Val (Ritualist) | Thoril Du Val (Elementalist (pre) |
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7/18/2011 12:11:05 AM  
Curassis Ilmensenno Access no Access no Access 
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2000 Days? Thats something, really! Breites Grinsen

One event could be alliance Battle. Besides that we should spill some Charr blood! I always wanted to try and hold instead of run from the charr at the end of "The Great Northern Wall" Mission. Is that even doable? I have no idea, but it would be a triumph! freuendes Smilie

A Warrior needs not hide behind prayers or trickery. A Warrior trusts in his own strength and skill. - [SoJ] Co-leader

Curassis Ilmensen (Warrior) | Kane the Undying (Warrior) | Danje Feuerfalk (Ranger) | Koken Shotoku (Monk) | Hattori Tokugawa (Assassin) | Cindy Starsplash (Elementalist) | Ulrich Lawbringer | (Dervish) Maximus Hispanus (Paragon) | Miss Fear Me (Necromancer) | Servant of Curassis (Ritualist) |

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7/18/2011 11:43:36 AM  
Olterin Fireno Access no Access no Access 
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Yeah, Great Northern Wall Mission in Hardmode, try holding off the Charr gets my vote (it's more than doable in NM).

Other than that, we can always go 'sneak' behind enemy lines and help the Ebon Vanguard Lächeln

...Will post more ideas if I think of something. And will definitely try to be there freuendes Smilie

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7/18/2011 12:09:01 PM  
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access no Access 
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What do you think about doing some Wind of Change quests together?

Next Thursday?

SOJ officer - You will find only what you bring in.

Marcus The Cube (Mesmer) | Juge Pazair (Monk) | Portos Du Val (Warrior) | Han Jing (Ranger) | Han Wu (Assassin) | Elron Peredhel (Elementalist) |
Mehtu Alibaba | (Dervish) Amenhotep Meryamun (Paragon) | Lares Vargos (Necromancer) | Abaris Du Val (Ritualist) | Thoril Du Val (Elementalist (pre) |
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7/20/2011 10:04:22 PM  
Shadow Jinkno Access no Access no Access 
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I like those both Great Northern Wall and Wind of Change ideas but I don't know if I'll be able to join - I really can't plan my time lately :(


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7/21/2011 9:33:37 AM  
Olterin Fireno Access no Access no Access 
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Hmm, certainly won't make it on Wednesday and Thursday (exam coming up on Friday...), don't know about Monday or Tuesday either. Friday though, Friday (evening) would be great Zwinkern

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7/21/2011 7:17:29 PM  
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access no Access 
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Let's see:

anyone else up for some playing GW tomorrow evening from around 20h30?

SOJ officer - You will find only what you bring in.

Marcus The Cube (Mesmer) | Juge Pazair (Monk) | Portos Du Val (Warrior) | Han Jing (Ranger) | Han Wu (Assassin) | Elron Peredhel (Elementalist) |
Mehtu Alibaba | (Dervish) Amenhotep Meryamun (Paragon) | Lares Vargos (Necromancer) | Abaris Du Val (Ritualist) | Thoril Du Val (Elementalist (pre) |
If you would like to know more about me click >here< or >here
7/28/2011 9:08:26 PM  
Olterin Fireno Access no Access no Access 
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Yup, should be able to make it. See you there freuendes Smilie

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7/29/2011 5:54:50 PM  
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