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Forum Overview » Welcome to the Sword of Justice [SOJ] guild! » Membership applications » What you need to know :)
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What you need to know :)
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
Group: Administrator
Level: SoJ Grand Master

Posts: 4568
Joined: 1/30/2006
IP-Address: saved

Which sword I hear you ask.

Who is the sword?

We are!

Sword of Justice is a home for enthusiastic Guild Wars player, no matter where they come from.

+ Primary objective is fun and doing stuff together
+ we want to play together at a high but relaxed level
+ we have members from all over the English speaking world
+ we are looking for nice people willing to help each other and having fun playing the game

- we are not looking for:
- arrogant or selfish people & all those that think no end of themselves
- sociopaths that machinate or cause dramas for no sensible reason
- those with a tendency to beg and complain all the time

+ guild activities are scheduled on European evenings (UTC+1 time zone)
that's what it´s all about

After 4 years of playing GW together we feel that it's now the time to play this fantastic game in a more laid back way. This means you decide what you want to do and have to organise it yourself using the infrastructure of the guild if you want to do things in an "organised" way to give all members the chance to join activities and prepare. In the past this was done by the guild officers but we are not doing this intensively any more because most of us have done everything already many many times. So the time for more social gameplay is here and we look therefore for people that want to organise serious or weird, hard & easy... in other words fun guild events from time to time.

We try to provide for a virtual home for people that like to participate in activities, are not afraid to join the chat on our forum or TS and that would like to be part of a nice community that looks forward to play GW2 together and continues to play GW in a relaxed way.

If you feel thats exactly the way how you want to play Guild Wars, we would like to invite you to join us

Some facts for those who want to know it all:

Territory: Europe Faction: Kurzick Type: Social, PvE & PvP Founded: January 2006
Number of members: 60 (5 active daily as we keep our friends on the roster unless we really need the space)
Our guildwiki page: link Guild Hall: Isle of Meditation (fully equipped) VoIP: Teamspeak3

Member and alliance recruitment

click here or contact Linda The Furious, Marcus The Cube, Curassis Ilmensen and Vanye Truelight.

You want to become a member in our Guild:

We don't have any particular requirements, but we ask for mature (usually 18+) and friendly players who are willing to give as well as take.
The reason this guild exists is because we like to play together and we are always looking for nice people that want to join us!

You want to become a member in our Alliance:

We are looking for a guild sharing the same interests. The aim of the alliance would of course not be faction farming to hold an outpost or specialise in farming an area in the most efficient way but to broaden the spectrum of the existing alliance, get to know other people and have more fun.
The alliance language is English, but guilds from all over the world are welcome!

Guild history

We started in January 2006 as a guild regrouping real life friends and people we met before in the game - just a couple of people that liked to play & discover the game together. Fortunately step by step a lot of nice people joined us. On Alliance level the German guild "Die Schwarze Kralle" who was the first "guild of the month" at the end of 2006 and later the "Ancient Circle" joined our alliance. The aim of the guild and the alliance is and always was to have fun playing without getting into serious competition inside or outside the guild or the alliance. Of course we went through some ups and downs and stand now as a group of people enjoying to play the game in a friendship-like atmosphere. Our members come from all over the English speaking world, from Sweden to South Africa. Currently we seek for some more people willing to play with us, participate in the guilds or the alliances activities, join us on TS, chat and discuss things with us on our forum and wait together for GW2.

edited by Marcus The Cube on 7/6/2010 12:31:27 PM
SOJ officer - You will find only what you bring in.

Marcus The Cube (Mesmer) | Juge Pazair (Monk) | Portos Du Val (Warrior) | Han Jing (Ranger) | Han Wu (Assassin) | Elron Peredhel (Elementalist) |
Mehtu Alibaba | (Dervish) Amenhotep Meryamun (Paragon) | Lares Vargos (Necromancer) | Abaris Du Val (Ritualist) | Thoril Du Val (Elementalist (pre) |
If you would like to know more about me click >here< or >here
4/26/2010 11:45:09 AM  
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