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Marcus, you fail!
Arcaneno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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This morning I saw a post made by Marcus, which he had deleted afterwards. I managed to retrieve it from my webbrowser cache and took a screenshot.

It's not very readable, but quality should be enough.

Note: while writing this, I did my best to keep this is civil as possible.

The first thing that bothers me: Why Chrisco? I've never EVER worn my guild cape, yet you proceed to harass. Why do I get these special privileges? I don't want to be treated different than anyone else!
I've talked to Chrisco, and I don't believe he ever submitted to wearing his cape, as you seem to claim so desperatly. You're lieing M, lieing to your own officers!

How does he challenge the rules? Do I challenge the rules? Why does the guild cape mean so much to you? If the identity of the guild depends on the guild cape, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!!
Last time I checked, the identity of the guild depends on the loyalty and dedication of the members in a free community. You just want to dominate every single of these people by forcing your ridiculous rules upon them! No M, you've gone too far.

Last night you were comparing our guild and guild cape with McDonalds and their uniform... How much lower will you go? That's just insulting! This guild is not a product which you go around promoting by wearing a cape in an outpost! this is ridiculous and I even doubt your sanity.

I'm done with this. I hereby resign as officer. I do not want to take part of this anymore. I'm sick of you and your insanity! You've pushed the boundaries too far this time.

Yours truly,

- Arcane Himundur.

PS: And don't you think for a minute I enjoyed writing this post! I thought back of all the fun times we had, all the laughter, but I can bare it no more. Your mistakes overshadow all of this and are unforgiveable!

3/7/2010 11:41:29 AM  
Curassis Ilmensenno Access no Access no Access 
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... are you folks now really having a serious argument about wearing or not wearing the guild cape? Do you seriously want to blow up the guild for something like that? Durcheinander!

Think again!

It is a small issue imo, but then again, if Marcus wants us/you to display SoJ's heraldic, why don't you simply do so? Damn it! Is that so hard? You go to your inventory and click "cape status: always show". Done.

You are officers of SoJ - is our cape really that ugly to you? Is wearing it benath you? From my point of view a guildleader must have at least the authority to ask such a small thing. Don't you agree??

How much lower will you go Wes?

A Warrior needs not hide behind prayers or trickery. A Warrior trusts in his own strength and skill. - [SoJ] Co-leader

Curassis Ilmensen (Warrior) | Kane the Undying (Warrior) | Danje Feuerfalk (Ranger) | Koken Shotoku (Monk) | Hattori Tokugawa (Assassin) | Cindy Starsplash (Elementalist) | Ulrich Lawbringer | (Dervish) Maximus Hispanus (Paragon) | Miss Fear Me (Necromancer) | Servant of Curassis (Ritualist) |

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Don't argue with idiots. They bring you to their level and beat you with experience.
3/7/2010 12:25:47 PM  
Arcaneno Access no Access no Access 
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As low as I must to get out of this pile of shit!

Why is it that Marcus must always get it HIS way? Please don't tell me it's not like that... It's always been his way or door way! And I'm sick of being told what to do!

It's not the cape that bothers me, it's how Marcus forces his authority on people! He actualy THREATEND Chrisco demoting him if he didn't wear his cape. Now how low can you go? You just said yourself it's only a small thing!
I don't mind if he ASKS small things, but we all know that questions have 2 answers: YES or NO. If one then proceeds to threaten - and thus force one's own will upon the person - to get it the way one wants, I don't think I can bare with this.

Wearing the cape is not beneath me, but lowering myself to a possition where I am to obey Marcus is! I will not let that happen.

- Arcane

3/7/2010 12:34:22 PM  
Curassis Ilmensenno Access no Access no Access 
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Okay Wesley. Chrisco. I havn't been around the last two evenings, so I don't know exactly what happened.

I like all of you a lot and I like playing for SoJ. If you blow up SoJ because of this the blood will be on your hands! I would be going to SK for the rest of my GW time and spare me these regular discussions and trouble, but I'd rather not.

So may I, as one of your fellow officers, ask you politely to wear the cape then? With sugar on top.

Thank you!

A Warrior needs not hide behind prayers or trickery. A Warrior trusts in his own strength and skill. - [SoJ] Co-leader

Curassis Ilmensen (Warrior) | Kane the Undying (Warrior) | Danje Feuerfalk (Ranger) | Koken Shotoku (Monk) | Hattori Tokugawa (Assassin) | Cindy Starsplash (Elementalist) | Ulrich Lawbringer | (Dervish) Maximus Hispanus (Paragon) | Miss Fear Me (Necromancer) | Servant of Curassis (Ritualist) |

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Don't argue with idiots. They bring you to their level and beat you with experience.
3/7/2010 12:41:28 PM  
Millieno Access no Access no Access 
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Oliver please read the posts Enttäuscht

Wesley has never been spoken to about wearing the guild cape, only Chrisco.

Wesley has never worn the cape but Marcus seems happy with that, Chrisco on the other hand has been warned .... with a 3 strikes and demotion, who is getting out of hand?

Why is the cape so important, I wear it but never in outposts and the guild hall but it's my choice and something I have always done even before joining SOJ. Having a friend threatened is not something I found acceptable, especially as he is a great officer, which I'm sure you'll all agree on.

Wesley isn't the only one who finds this beyond reason and yes it has got out of hand but reading the post Marcus deleted this morning as I was replying to it, made the whole situation far worse.

Had Chrisco and Wesley been spoken to at the same time, I may have said yes guys come on just wear the cape but Marcus for some reason know only to him has decided that Wesley can carry on breaking the rules but Chrisco can't.

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3/7/2010 12:42:17 PM  
Arcaneno Access no Access no Access 
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Oliver, for crying out loud, it's NOT about the bloody cape!!

It's about this tyrant also known as Marcus! He's getting out of hand, he's powertripping!

I will not, and there is no way that you can change my mindset, be part of this any longer! I will not be part of SoJ's leadership anymore! I've seen enough.

- Arcane

3/7/2010 12:45:12 PM  
Curassis Ilmensenno Access no Access no Access 
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written by Millie at 3/7/2010 12:42:17 PM

...especially as he is a great officer, which I'm sure you'll all agree on.

I love Chrisco, he is a fine person, player, officer and comrade. Great addition to our team. Zwinkern

From what I understood it is about both Chrisco and Wes really. The difference with Chrisco seems to be that they apparently talked about the issue explicitly in context with his promotion. He agreed to wear it, that's what I was told.

From my point of view it should be everyone really. Like you said. Wes, Chrisco, turn it on, problem solved.

A Warrior needs not hide behind prayers or trickery. A Warrior trusts in his own strength and skill. - [SoJ] Co-leader

Curassis Ilmensen (Warrior) | Kane the Undying (Warrior) | Danje Feuerfalk (Ranger) | Koken Shotoku (Monk) | Hattori Tokugawa (Assassin) | Cindy Starsplash (Elementalist) | Ulrich Lawbringer | (Dervish) Maximus Hispanus (Paragon) | Miss Fear Me (Necromancer) | Servant of Curassis (Ritualist) |

That's me -> Introduce yourself!

Don't argue with idiots. They bring you to their level and beat you with experience.
3/7/2010 12:53:07 PM  
Arcaneno Access no Access no Access 
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written by Curassis Ilmensen at 3/7/2010 12:53:07 PMHe agreed to wear it, that's what I was told.

That's a lie!

Reading comprehension Oliver? You're avoiding the entire point! You're completely offtopic.
So I will guide in the right direction:

It's not about the bloody cape!!!!!!!!

3/7/2010 12:56:53 PM  
Curassis Ilmensenno Access no Access no Access 
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written by Arcane at 3/7/2010 12:45:12 PM
Oliver, for crying out loud, it's NOT about the bloody cape!!

It's about this tyrant also known as Marcus! He's getting out of hand, he's powertripping!

Okay, apart from the cape issue then. Beeing leader of a guild and asking your officers to wear the guild heraldic is not powertripping. Breites Grinsen

I think you have a serious problem with authority, good luck with your career Zwinkern

A Warrior needs not hide behind prayers or trickery. A Warrior trusts in his own strength and skill. - [SoJ] Co-leader

Curassis Ilmensen (Warrior) | Kane the Undying (Warrior) | Danje Feuerfalk (Ranger) | Koken Shotoku (Monk) | Hattori Tokugawa (Assassin) | Cindy Starsplash (Elementalist) | Ulrich Lawbringer | (Dervish) Maximus Hispanus (Paragon) | Miss Fear Me (Necromancer) | Servant of Curassis (Ritualist) |

That's me -> Introduce yourself!

Don't argue with idiots. They bring you to their level and beat you with experience.
3/7/2010 12:58:00 PM  
Arcaneno Access no Access no Access 
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Oh please, it's a friggin game, if I have to obey authority here, why am I playing a game?

This game, for me, stands for fun, relaxing, joy, and friends. NOT AUTHORITY!
My career? Don't worry, you don't even know me, so I think we should stay away from that topic, and focus on the problem at hand.

I think I'm going to stop discussing this. I might aswell be yelling at my wall. I can see your arguments are just as ridiculous and void as Marcus'.

My desires have been stated, I will no longer be part of this.

- Arcane

3/7/2010 1:03:22 PM  
ChrisCono Access no Access no Access 
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To keep this plain and simple it was never about the cape it was all about the threats.

I play guild wars to have fun and that has been wrecked.

As to Marcus ... I hope you enjoy your cape when there is nobody left to wear it.


3/7/2010 1:20:32 PM  
Curassis Ilmensenno Access no Access no Access 
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Okay, understood.

Question. What would you do if you were leader of a guild and you were asking people to do little things like e.g. wear the guild cape.

Over and over again... I have been there he asked you and Wes 100 times!

I think Marcus started to feel like the guilds fool recently. Having to do the work and having neither respect nor authority even in small matters.

Why should he always be the one to comply? You think it has to be your way. He thinks it has to be his way. But we are not talking about you giving him your credit card number! We are talking about whether officers should wear the guildcape! And in this matter I really think - in case of doubt - it should go the leaders way.

A Warrior needs not hide behind prayers or trickery. A Warrior trusts in his own strength and skill. - [SoJ] Co-leader

Curassis Ilmensen (Warrior) | Kane the Undying (Warrior) | Danje Feuerfalk (Ranger) | Koken Shotoku (Monk) | Hattori Tokugawa (Assassin) | Cindy Starsplash (Elementalist) | Ulrich Lawbringer | (Dervish) Maximus Hispanus (Paragon) | Miss Fear Me (Necromancer) | Servant of Curassis (Ritualist) |

That's me -> Introduce yourself!

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3/7/2010 1:34:58 PM  
ChrisCono Access no Access no Access 
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"having neither respect nor authority even in small matters."

He had both of those ... we all followed him during the past events with ICE and other issues. He had my respect till i was threatened.

3/7/2010 1:46:39 PM  
Arcaneno Access no Access no Access 
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Oliver, trying to convince my fellow officers, who clearly share my opinion, with PM's on the forum isn't going to help at all!

It's a foul act even, and I didn't expect you to be so dishonorable to lower your own standards to such a level to do this!
If you have something to say, let's stick to this thread shall we? Afterall that's what it's made for.

It's not so easy anymore to step down and let it go as if nothing happend. Marcus has damaged my trust in him by his recent actions. How can officers and guild leader work alongside eachother when they can't even trust eachother!

I don't know what you're discussing here Oliver, it's over. I don't want to be part of this, and I'm sure you read the Demotions thread already. What are you trying to achieve other than a broken leadership in this guild?...

- Arcane

edited by Arcane on 3/7/2010 2:10:23 PM
3/7/2010 2:09:28 PM  
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access no Access 
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after Millie resigned yesterday, Wesley resigned today after calling me a dumbass, asshole and tyrant among a lot of other things this morning - in reaction to a posting I deleted thereafter (the one you can see in Wesley's thread) - I yield and waive the guild cape wearing rule for officers.

This is by far not important enough to risk triggering a self destruction mechanism disintegrating this community I really like and enjoy to be part of.

You may be surprised to hear that in the current situation but I do really like you all and consider you as friends.
I just fear that this is a bit a one way thing because my age and role as leader stays in between us Enttäuscht

Wesley, you know exactly why I did not raise the cape topic with you - we had lately a personal issue and I didn't want to make you think that I get at you over the guild. Also you know for sure that because of you not wearing the cape this was one of the 2 things especially discussed and agreed with Chrisco - he was even OK with that unfair treatment in comparison to you, because I anticipated this potential problem during the talks with him and we have explicitly talked about that.

Needless to say that I am shocked that on such a topic things can escalate so far.
I will set a date for a meeting as soon as possible where we can talk about it where I will also give answers to the questions raised here.

SOJ officer - You will find only what you bring in.

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3/7/2010 2:22:46 PM  
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