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account hacked and banned
drussno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Sry guys and girls but it seems i wont be about for a bit as my main account (druss thee slayer) was hacked and banned for selling gold and items (so iam sure my account is now raped)i am currently trying to get it back but iam not holding out much hope for myself. so until then i am inactive. plus i think he even got me to leave the guild so il reapply when iam back if thats ok. cya laterz peeps

2/28/2011 11:48:10 PM  
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access no Access 
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Best of luck!

You already wrote to the support to have your password reset and all that stuff, right?

Do you have any idea how it could be hacked? did you share your password? was it such an easy one? did you install a key-logger/virus?

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3/1/2011 12:13:01 AM  
drussno Access no Access no Access 
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yep reset pw straight away it only happened today i think must of thought i was at work. Unfortunatly i wasnt but i was out so wasnt of my m8's saw me online but i didnt respond he just thought i was afk. he was in gtob selling shit and thats proberly were he sold all my stuff and then transfered in to real-money world which is were gw says he was trading to...thing is they think it was me so my accounts banned... ive got 4 accounts and one has only got one campaign so ud think if i was gonna do stuff like that id use that one not the one ive had over 5 years and use for my HoM lol. Makes me sick to think of the damage he has done to my account if i can even get it back.

3/1/2011 1:15:37 AM  
drussno Access no Access no Access 
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Hello Sam,

The account was permanently closed because it was involved in the sale of in-game items for cash or other items with real world value, or otherwise engaged in gathering items to be sold for cash or other items with real world value. Both actions are against our User Agreement, where Section 7 states, "You may not sell or auction any Guild Wars accounts, characters, items, coin or copyrighted material, nor may you assist others in doing so."

Please keep in mind that Guild Wars is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that standards of behavior must be upheld. For your convenience, you can obtain more information about our rules at the address listed below.

Thx NCsoft i wont be buying gw2 now or any other product there involved in. 5 years of game play wasted. Cant beleive they would do this.

3/1/2011 1:46:41 AM  
Marcus The Cubeno Access no Access no Access 
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Hey Sam,


don't give up so quickly!

Please answer to NCSoft via the electronic ticket system something like:

I hereby challenge your decision to close my account.
My account was hijacked and misused for the actions you mentioned without my knowledge. As soon as I realised that I requested from you a password change as I could not access my account anymore. I uphold this request and ask you again to provide me with new login credentials for my account. This is my main GW account that I have now for many years. I have last played on my account on xxx. Please contact me if you need any further information.

The add the usual things that are requested for a password reset like product key, login name, email address,...

Good luck Lächeln

SOJ officer - You will find only what you bring in.

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3/1/2011 10:25:44 AM  
Linda the Furiousno Access no Access no Access 
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Hi Sam,

How awful Enttäuscht When I came online yesterday I was already wondering why you had left our guild without leaving any message.
Unfortunately some people don't even have the decency to let us know but I couldn't imagine you would do that.
Poor you!!, and you have been working so hard for it all those years. I can seriously not understand how people get it in their heads to hack someone elses account.
That email from NCsoft doesn't sound promising at all and I really hope you didn't loose entire account forever. You should definitely try what Marcus said, although the "I hereby challenge your decision to close my account " I would more change to:
Could you please reconsider closing my account? I'm very aware of the user agreements I've agreed on when purchasing and installing your product. These agreements have been misused by someone else (hacker)without my knowledge...

Hopefully you will feel better soon, I don't know what to say besides all the best!!

xx Linda

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3/1/2011 11:15:05 AM  
Bassmanno Access no Access no Access 
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Hey Sam,

like Linda, don't really know what to say, every time I hear stories about an account-hack, I'm shocked...
People who do these kind of things spoil it for the rest of us
I can imagine your disgust of NCSoft atm, hopefully you'll be able to at least get your account back...

Good luck and hope to see you in-game again real soon in case NCSoft realizes their mistake!


Longbow Logan (Ranger)
3/1/2011 12:17:41 PM  
drussno Access no Access no Access 
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Hello Sam,

I am escalating your ticket to our Guild Wars senior staff members to assist you further. Once they have reviewed your question, one of them will contact you as soon as possible.

GM William
The Guild Wars Support Team

Customer (sam $$$$$$) 02/28/2011 06:57 PM
Yes i dont doubt my account was involved in the sale of gold and items because it was hacked and no doubt all my items and gold have now been sold and ive now lost my main account that ive had since this game started. why on earth would i use my main account for something so stupid. ive got 4 accounts that i use most days but this account is my main and i have never bought or sold gold or items on any of my accounts in over 5 years ive been playing every peice of gold and items ive collected over the period
of over 5 years why would i risk losing any of that. surely this has happened before were someones account has been hacked, raped of its stuff and then left. I cant beleive you will not retreive my account and at least let me try and salvage whats left of my account ive played for over 5 years. The hours alone ive spent on this game is silly and now because someone has hacked my account you want to further punish me by banning it. Why can u not see it wasnt my ip address that was logged in while it was
involved in this illegal activity and accept my word as an honst gamer that i have done nothing wrong. Ive recently spent 1000's of hours on my account getting it and its hall of monuments ready for gw2 why would i jepodise that for a few £ in gold when my account is worth £1000 to me just in game play alone. Please why wont you help me?

P.S THX FOR THE MESSAGES OF SUPPORT AND NO LINDA I WOULDNT LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE LOL. Just shocked my rl friend didnt text me and ask why i wasnt replying to him in game when it looked like i was online (as he saw me in Gtob)...gutted

edited by druss on 3/1/2011 6:31:20 PM
3/1/2011 1:15:00 PM  
Milianano Access no Access no Access 
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I hope you will at least be able to get your account back, even without any stuff on it.
I guess most of us still got decent stuff on our bank that we could give you to gear you back up.

keep up the hope.

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3/1/2011 6:38:32 PM  
drussno Access no Access no Access 
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got my account back. its empty althou my chars have not been deleted everything has been sold, they even salvaged all my armour and sold the mins. every hero wep sold, everything all my minis, alcohol, weapons, they left me 5k lol grrrr. Cant beleive he salvaged my chaos gloves and axes looks like i have some fow farming to do grrrr....thx linda for inviting me back in i shall have to rethink password to something even the devil wouldnt guess.... thx jojo for the gold and ectos that will help me get back on me feet.

3/2/2011 9:31:18 PM  
Linda the Furiousno Access no Access no Access 
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Hey Sam,

At least you got your account back with all your chars/titles which must be a BIG relief. But ofcourse you are still devastated by all the items that are gone Enttäuscht
I'm sure I'll have some weapons and stuff on stock for you to have.
What I always did was copy, paste my password from a notepad, not sure if this will prevent keyloggers but you can a least give it a try.


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3/3/2011 11:54:07 AM  
drussno Access no Access no Access 
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lol thats a really good idea and yeh it shoud stop keyloggers iam gonna try it now. Nope that dont work lol

edited by druss on 3/5/2011 7:46:23 PM
3/3/2011 6:20:31 PM  
Bassmanno Access no Access no Access 
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Lol, that's indeed a good idea Linda, never thought of that one before :-)

anyway, Sam, I'm glad you at least got your account back!
although you still must be devestated.
hopefully you'll soon get some of the stuff back, if you ever need help with anything, just give me a shout!


Longbow Logan (Ranger)
3/3/2011 7:17:20 PM  
Olterin Fireno Access no Access no Access 
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... My condolences with regards to your account, Sam :S At least you got it back.freuendes Smilie

As for the "password copy"-trick... just remember, any keylogger worth it's salt will also watch any and all cache and memory transactions. I'm not that sure on the details, but I'm fairly certain that that string is accessible while in storage during the "copy-paste"-process. Better than nothing, though Lächeln Just something I thought worth throwing out there.

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3/3/2011 10:09:54 PM  
drussno Access no Access no Access 
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thx m8 but i cant paste the pw in anyway il just have to bite the bullet and reinstall windows soon to ensure a clean hard drive....just putting it off really

3/5/2011 10:11:13 PM  
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