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Forum Overview » Alliance » Alliance activities » The Eternal Grove HM 9/7/08 at 20:30 gmt +1
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The Eternal Grove HM 9/7/08 at 20:30 gmt +1
Sword Fire Xno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Level: SoJ Knight

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hey all having some trouble with this misison so if anyone need it or can come help would appreciate it


"There's a fire in you eyes and i Hope you let it burn There's a strain in your voice and i Hope you will be heard"

That's me -> My Intro

7/9/2008 1:56:34 PM   
Papyrus Jauneno Access no Access no Access 
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I'm confused about 20:30 GMT+1 but I'd like to help.Durcheinander!

Now I known that 20:30 GMT+1 = 22:00 CET, crasy things you can learn playing Guild Warsfreuendes Smilie

edited by Papyrus Jaune on 7/9/2008 10:38:31 PM

PvE R Feuille Verte | PvE Mo Parchemin Blanc | PvE P Papyrus Jaune | PvE N Tablette Grise | PvE W Natasha Irons | PvE D June Moone | PvP A Sandra Wu San | PvP Rt Betty Kane
7/9/2008 9:50:01 PM  
Sword Fire Xno Access no Access no Access 
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Level: SoJ Knight

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just wanted to thank all of those who came in the end it was very appreaciate and the misison was done very fastBreites Grinsenty


"There's a fire in you eyes and i Hope you let it burn There's a strain in your voice and i Hope you will be heard"

That's me -> My Intro

7/10/2008 1:30:10 PM   
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