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Forum Overview » Easy Recipes » Needtaste Recipes » Breakfast Patties
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Breakfast Patties
kulokaya02@gmail.comno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Posts: 64
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Breakfast Patties, It took some experimenting, but I finally came up with a tasty, healthy way to replace sausage or bacon. Breakfast is a very important meal; but for those who have to watch sodium intake, it can be a difficult meal to prepare. The challenge is to have something flavorful without salt. Cereal and oatmeal get boring day after day. Also, cooking breakfast takes time that we don't always want to give up in the morning. This recipe addresses these "problems" with breakfast. Just prepare ahead and microwave while you are getting ready for work. Yummy!

1/10/2022 4:54:51 PM    
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Forum Overview » Easy Recipes » Needtaste Recipes » Breakfast Patties

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