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Forum Übersicht » Bike allgemein » VIDEOS » Test - 1,2,3: Donnerstag 07.05.2009 18 Uhr: Kostenloser Stream des MTB-Films "Have you seen it"
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Test - 1,2,3: Donnerstag 07.05.2009 18 Uhr: Kostenloser Stream des MTB-Films "Have you seen it"
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Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Mitglied

Beiträge: 77
Mitglied seit: 26.03.2009
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

LOOK AT THE TIME!!! 18:00 CET this Thursday. Freecaster.tv will be hosting an exclusive LIVE soiree for our viewers featuring...

- Oakley's "Have You Seen It" complet movie
- New pilot episode of our World Cup DH & 4X Racing highlights show, filmed in Pietermartizburg
- Totally new, unseen, 4X highlights clip from Houffalize
- LIVE Q&A on technical issues

This is your chance to be involved with the revolution that is LIVE MTB racing on the internet. The purpose of this Thursday is to test our new system and see how it works for YOU... so that we can continue ironing out the glitches and improve your chances of having uninterrupted viewing of our LIVE races every weekend.

We can guarantee it will be a better evening's entertainment than whatever terrestrial TV has to offer. So make a date with us here at 18:00 CEST this Thursday and help us continue delivering the best FREE service over the internet that action sports have ever seen.

Please forward this email to everyone you know and get them to tune-in with you.

Thanks for your participation

Eine Vorschau auf den Film gibt es hier

Ich bin stolz ein Baumvollkontaktsportler zu sein
06.05.2009 04:55:22    
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Forum Übersicht » Bike allgemein » VIDEOS » Test - 1,2,3: Donnerstag 07.05.2009 18 Uhr: Kostenloser Stream des MTB-Films "Have you seen it"
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