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Who has the last word in this thread??
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zero, just make sure to get a good graphics card.Lächeln

01.11.2005 00:12:56 
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it's sure ... 256mb should be enough ^^

01.11.2005 00:24:09 
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Time for another story:

After he was revived by 3 unknown Magicians, Darth Maul awoke the first time since... when? He just remembered that a sword had split his upper body from his lower body. Now there he was, alive again.
Magician 1: We did it! We revived Darth Maul!
Magician 2: And now he has to do what we say!
Magician 3: Let's make sure he understands our point.

The magicians walked up to Darth Maul and asked him how he was doing. 'I'm miles away from fine, but my body is ok.' Good, said the first magician, because you have to do something for us. Only you, the Sith Lord of the past, can defeat the Sith Lord of the Present to become the Sith Lord of the Future. Darth Maul looked at him like he was crazy. He wanted to choke him to death, but he needed information first. He wanted ... revenge. On the person, that killed him. Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Darth Maul: I have questions. And I want answers. Now.
Magician 2: Sure, but first you will have to ch--
The magician rose into the air, holding his neck like he was trying to pull something off it.
Darth Maul: I said now.
Magician 2: Sh-sh-sure, whatever you want.
The magician fell onto the ground.
Darth Maul: Where is Obi-Wan?
Magician 3: We know where he is, but you must do something for us first. After all, we revived you.
Darth Maul: How dare you threaten me! You forget who I am! I am... what the...?

Darth Maul felt a lightsaber coming close to him. He opened his and held it down his back to block an attack from ... 'who are you?'

???: I am Koji-Jin Zacire, descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi, raised by the Sith of the Underground! I challenge you, Darth Maul, to a fight to the death! Die refusing or die fighting!

Magician 1: Oh no! It's him!
Magician 3: That's the Sith Killer of the present we wanted you to kill! He claims to be the only Sith in the universe, that is still alive, and kills everyone who even thinks to be allowed to call themself Sith!

Darth Maul: I don't care who you are, and what your motives are. But every person who has something to do my arch nemesis will perish!!!

Darth Maul and Koji-Jin engaged in a fierce battle. Darth Maul had the upper hand, but Koji-Jin was able to regenerate any lost body part. But, Darth Maul had a dual saber, which gave him an advantage.

They fought to a complete standstill. Koji-Jin was getting tired. Darth Maul was running out of ideas. 'No wonder he is the only Sith alive. He can regenerate from almost every attack given to him!' Then he had an idea. He dogded a furious attack of Koji-Jin, jumped into the air, with his head facing the ground, and rammed his lightsaber into Koji-Jin's forehead. This time though, he kept on half if his dual saebr in his head, to make sure that Koji-Jin couldn't revive, and tore off the other half.

Magicians: You did it! You defeated the Sith Lord of the present! That means you are...

Darth Maul: The Sith Lord of the Future. Don't tell me. But I will tell you something, no, let me show you what happens to people who do not obey to a Sith Lord, especially to me...

The first magician floated into the air, and then suddenly he skin changed greenish with pink sposts in his face. He had problems breathing, and he died a slow and awful death.

The third magician tried to flee, but he was dragged to the feet of Lord Maul. 'You pathetic insect.' The next thing the magician felt was immense pain in his legs and arms, and then he didn't feel them anymore. They were torn off. He bled to death.

Then the second magician was in Darth Maul's sight. The magician sreamed: Why? We helped you? We revived you! Darth Maul then answered: Who are you do believe that I would show something like mercy on a insignificant creature like you? You sicken me. Die!
Magician: Please, don't kill me, pl-eeaarghh!
Darth Maul burnt a hole into both sholders of the magician.
Stand up. I will show you something worse than death.

After Darth Maul was finished with the last magician, he began a widespread ruin, killing everything and everyone that dared to cross ways with the new Sith Lord.

Congratulations on your promotion, Maul.

01.11.2005 01:54:48 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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Nice Story

01.11.2005 09:23:23 
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thanks.Breites Grinsen

lol, i love the story!

it was awesome!freuendes Smilie

02.11.2005 00:14:23 
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yeah, nice story, but there are some logical failures in there ...

but it's really nice ! Tunk had a lot to do with writing this story, i think ...

02.11.2005 00:48:21 
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ok, as you might have seen in the SWBF Clan Wars posts i do not have SWBF2 for PC, but i did get it for PS2, so i will not be online playing SWBF1 until Saturday because i am playing the PS2 version right now.

03.11.2005 14:53:49 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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I wish you many luck by the Game. On PC the Kampagne Mode is very very hard, i find. I think its the 4 or 5 Misson who you must escape the Jedi Tempel on Coruscant, Its very dificulty.

03.11.2005 22:38:23 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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on PS2 i am on the 10th mission!Breites Grinsen

but i find the space battles to be the hardest.

04.11.2005 01:44:57 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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Than where the mission not the same as PC.

04.11.2005 13:33:40 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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today, i read an article about two joung people from china. they both played WoW and this game was their death. one of them was a girl (nick: Snowly) and the other one was a young man (nick: Nan Ren Ghu Shi). they didn't stop playing WoW, although they were tired an hungry. but they didn't stop ! so they played themselves to death. i'm very sad about that. here is a picture from a virtual funeral for them:

04.11.2005 18:34:01 
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Yeah, you told me earlier today, but I am still beefed about it. That as just crazy.

04.11.2005 18:39:31 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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Thats very Crazy. I think thats not real, when it is, than where Video Games danger.

04.11.2005 18:57:39 
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How about showing us the link, Zero?

04.11.2005 19:02:19 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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the link

as you can see, it's for real ! ... but this site is in german. so, if you speak german, read it ... if not, just trust me ^^

04.11.2005 19:07:26 
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