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Forum Übersicht » Archiv » Misc. » Who has the last word in this thread??
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Who has the last word in this thread??
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

question to tunkson are u still there?

01.09.2005 16:18:24  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

what part of America was Tunkson in again?

because he could have been in the hurricane, the one known as "Katrina" and went through Louisiana and Mississippi, and lost his power or lost internet service in that area because of power lines being knocked out.

but i hope he is alright, and if he is in trouble i pray he can get through the situation, and come back.

02.09.2005 21:13:07 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert


pray and wait...

03.09.2005 10:13:16  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

i pray, and i hope nothing happened.

my family has already sent food goods and clothing items to New Orleans through my school's donation efforts.Lächeln

06.09.2005 01:37:54 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

written by DARTH MAUL at 9/6/2005 1:37:54 AM

my family has already sent food goods and clothing items to New Orleans through my school's donation efforts.Lächeln

thats nice everybody should do it!

06.09.2005 17:17:26  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

is somebody able to edit our swbf-site, except tunkson ? i haven't heard anything from the sergeant and the corporals for months ...

08.09.2005 10:24:49 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

no , i don't have the account password and if even i didn't get it , well then its nearly impossible anyone else has it^^

08.09.2005 16:01:24  
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

TUNKSON WILL COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we just have to wait til thursday!

Jameson we missed you!

12.09.2005 10:50:47  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

My problem was simply that the Internet access at my house was cut off, because the credit card that paid for it expired. Right now, I am in a library, preparing for my departure on Wednesday.

I will take care of the SWBF-site as soon as I get back. Until then, everybody keep hanging in there until I return to Germany (or Belgium, one of the two).

We had minor problems with Katrina. Some chairs that were in the open flew away, but nothing major happened. Too bad I can't say that about Louisiana.

Anyway, I only have 45 minutes that I am paying for, so I must make sure that I get the information I need. I'll still make some other posts, though.

Cya soon.

Edit: All new members please send me a PM, stating what games you are attending and about your abilities. Or have the Game-Leaders send me a PM about their new members.

12.09.2005 16:19:44 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

I just built up my PC here, and now I face a big problem:


18.09.2005 22:55:53 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

oh thats a big problem. You must go to the shop who you haved bayed (gekauft), they will be delette the Bios and load up new. Than wheres cleared this problem.
There is an second option, but i donw how old is your Board.
The new Boards have an jumper, most it called clear cmos/Bios.
When you switched it in the on position and starts your PC.
The Bios will be settings in the position who time when you it
becomes. I hope, i have can you help with them.

18.09.2005 23:06:11 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

at least you are safe and back in Germany/ Belgium

i hope to be back playing in a few weeks when i finally get a school break (i have got a new PC but i haven't been able to play games with you because i get a lot of homework and i have no time)

19.09.2005 02:15:19 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

@ tunkson get a pw cracking cd (was in a PC-World-magazine ) or get the bios batterie out and reset it

19.09.2005 17:00:49  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Well, I couldn't really take it to place I bought it, because I built it myself.

Anyway, I removed the battery and waited aprox. 5 hours, and then it was gone. I am back on my own PC, but it will still take a while before I can start playing games. I still need to get another Hard drive, reinstall that and other software, etc.

So, it'll still take a while.

19.09.2005 19:11:44 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

How have you guys recruited so many new members?

whenever i ask people to join they say they will but never do (i am talking about my failed attempt to start up a halo online section in the clan)

19.09.2005 20:08:12 
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