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Saddam Hussein sentenced to death
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What do you guys think about that? Your opinions?

05.11.2006 11:27:15 
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

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hmmm.... I cannot like him. He is a criminal, I think. Nobody have this properly over lives and, to decide death of a human being. I think, he should work for his remaining life in the quarry.

05.11.2006 11:54:02   
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for sure, he's a criminal, but it's not a solution to execute him. at first, the people who decided to hang him will be on his level (murderer), and second i think it would be better to put him into jail for the rest of his life, because it's probably the stricter punishment (at least in an iraqi jail ...).

05.11.2006 12:28:03 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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DOn't put him into an Iraqui Jail, he'll jeust be freed by his followers.

But if you think about it, he ordered so many people to kill so many other people.
And then look at Bush. He also ordered so many people to kill so many other people.
Now, where's the difference? Both are mass-murderers, after all.

05.11.2006 13:30:07 
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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Yes i am understand what you mean. The same looks like Jedi or Sith where is now angry. Because i find it better when they put him in Jail.

05.11.2006 15:11:52   
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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don't think he would be able to escape from an iraqui jail ... there are too many soldiers who want to shoot him.
but you are right about that mass-murderer thing.

05.11.2006 15:45:30 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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Just passing by again...

Saddam is definately guilty for all his murders, for sure, but i must agree to tunkson
bush did nearly the same but with the agreements of other states,
you're right in the point of massmurders, but the difference is the punishment.

Saddam deserves a lifetime imprisonment
Bush deserves a week in middle of Iraque

06.11.2006 16:39:34  
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I don't see how being in a war makes you a mass-murderer. Just because two countries are at war and people are dying does not make the soldiers that fight murderers, they are mearly following orders, they are not killing the other person because they think it is fun or enjoyable, they do it because it is their job to follow their superiors orders. Let's use WWII as an example, my grandpa who was in the Pacific during the war, he was in the Army Air Corps, he told me all about how he had to kill people and how he feels some remorse for it, but does this make him a murderer? Surely not, he was mearly following his superiors orders and killed the other person to protect his friends and himself from being killed. Now, let's bring a bit of religion into this, in the bible, the Jews killed the people of their faith who did not do as God wanted them to do, does this make them murderers? No, they were doing what God had wanted them to do, to kill/get rid of the people who went against God's word and in turn deserved to be punished accordingly. Now, I know that this example comes from the Old Testament and is not associated with the new beliefs and actions associated with the New Testament. Now, on the other side of things, what makes Hitler and Saddam true mass-murderers? What makes them true mass-murderers is the fact that they singled out groups of people and killed them just because they were from a certain race or had a certain disability, they were not killing people to protect something good, they were killing people for the fact they fit the criteria of the group they were holding the genocide against.

Now, Saddam, he is a mass-murderer and deserves to be punished accordingly for his actions, which is to be hung just like the way he murdered thousands of people because they were of a certain religious background. The people that "murder" him are not mass-murderers because they punish Saddam for his crimes, they are mearly upholding the law and the sentence given to him. If you sentence Saddam to a lifetime of imprisonment, sure, he may be alive, but is he really paying the price for what he did? No, he deserves to suffer the same way he made thousands of others suffer. He has already had a long time to think about what he has done, was he sorry for it? Most certainly not, he used the money and riches obtained by stealing it from the people he murdered to live a luxorious life style.

07.11.2006 21:38:37 
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
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Wow hard words Darth Maul. I am understand you. But remember God says in his ten orders you dont kill anybody. ok everybody have another Religion. I am was in Army to for 12 Month. I have shoot on Cardboard Soldiers. But i remember on my first shoot with my Weapon, it was no good feeling. Ok my mean is never have the right to kill anybody, you can becomes a situation to kill a murder and after he died you find out he was it not. Thats Horror for the he does for the justice. When you killed Sadam then you must kill all murders. But if they all rihgt murders. You dont knows really in all Situations.
Sorry i am not for the Death penalty.

07.11.2006 22:22:48   
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at first, i think you are right about that "following orders" thing, but nobody said the american soldiers are mass murderers. they aren't guilty, since they followed just there orders and did their jobs, like you said. but there is a difference between george bush and his soldiers. he gave the orders. and because i think this whole war wasn't necessary, he's a murderer for me.

further i agree with you, saddam has to suffer. but will he suffer if you kill him ? i don't think so. mass murderers like hitler or milosevic killed themselfes because they didn't want to get punished. so i think you do saddam a favour by killing him. perhaps you even make a martyr of him !

07.11.2006 22:36:35 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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I agree with Zero. Besides, Maul, I never said the soldiers were murderers, I said Bush was.

Hussein ordered his men to kill, so he is the murderer.
Bush ordered his men to kill, so he is the murderer.
Simple as that. Both share the same fate. The only reason Bush is getting away from it is because the US has the most power in the world and no one would put their foot down to tell Bush that he's wrong. Like father, like son, really. His dad wasn't better, so I heard.

As for if killing him, I dunno. I can't agree, but can't really disagree either. No one should die for the things he has done, no matter in what extent. But I dunno, because he can also easily kill himself if it isn't done by others. And if he indeed kills himself, then he will obtain this rank of martyr that Zero mentioned.

07.11.2006 23:35:00 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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written by Tunkson at 11/7/2006 11:35:00 PM
I agree with Zero. Besides, Maul, I never said the soldiers were murderers, I said Bush was.

Hussein ordered his men to kill, so he is the murderer.
Bush ordered his men to kill, so he is the murderer.
Simple as that. Both share the same fate. The only reason Bush is getting away from it is because the US has the most power in the world and no one would put their foot down to tell Bush that he's wrong. Like father, like son, really. His dad wasn't better, so I heard.

As for if killing him, I dunno. I can't agree, but can't really disagree either. No one should die for the things he has done, no matter in what extent. But I dunno, because he can also easily kill himself if it isn't done by others. And if he indeed kills himself, then he will obtain this rank of martyr that Zero mentioned.

completely signed*

also agreeing to Zero, in case of the martyr , i think its most dangerous especially in case the remaining iraques who followed his lead start their fight again.

to Maul

there was no critic to the american soldiers, it was not their fault following the lead of bush. but it was maybe their fault not stopping their actions after the upcoming of information about the missing nuclear weapon,

at this point , war had to be stopped IMHO

08.11.2006 15:08:59  
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No Penner, there is nothing a mere soldier could have done in that position. They follow orders, nothing else. If they were entitled to further thinking outside of what theyre supposed to do, then they wouldve caught Saddam in the 90s in the Golf already.

CoC is President->General->CO/XO->Squad Leaders->Squad Members

08.11.2006 15:24:07 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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In a reality, if politics were taken out of war and the Generals had the say about how they handled things, we would have kicked Saddams ass in the 90's. When politics get involved in warfare, nothing can be accomplished because the politicians are afraid of the political backlash their decisions could have, they need to grow some balls and do what they feel, not what they want people to think of them. That is why the Allied forces outright destroyed the Axis forces during WWII, the politicians did not have as much of an impact on the military decisions the Generals were making because of censorship. If the U.S. censored the media like during WWII, we would be much better off because no one would have to fear harsh political backlashes.

08.11.2006 21:53:12 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
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it just goes to show really.... in the world today people treasure their material possesion, this could be called greed i am no exception i love my computer..but for everythign you do there is a consequnce and our worlds greed is killing our planet and this greed seems to have lead people to the conclusion that death is the worst thing.. i am not religious nor am i an atheist but im not sure what lies after death, but either way it is not the worst sentence for saddam i feel he would suffer more if he was to go to a normal american prison yes he would probably be killed there anyway, but i feel that he has to feel pain to ever feel true regret.

i broke my arm a while ago and after that i regreted climbing the fence and havent done it since that is how you learn your lesson in my opinion the death sentence for saddam is like letting him off.

09.11.2006 13:50:54 
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