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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » Five Shiny Stones
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Five Shiny Stones
foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Level: Top Dog

Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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Five shiny stones...
the first longing for its past,
the second looking toward the future,
the third longing to be held,
the fourth knowing where it belongs,
the fifth, the wisest of them all,
knowing that they should be together.

For there they will form a bond that will tell all
of the past as well as the future,
and all that is needed is to stop, look, listen.

Hold them in your hand, close your eyes,
and they well take you on a voyage,
and you will understand that each has its own power to share.

Five shiny stones glimmering in the sun;
five shiny stones knowing where they're from;
five shiny stones longing for their past...
five shiny stones.

3/21/2006 7:36:08 AM    
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Forum Overview » Poetry » Favorite Poems » Five Shiny Stones

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