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Bizarre but True
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NEW YORK (UPI) -- A disfigured New York City man has filed a lawsuit over burns he received when his television remote control triggered a massive natural gas explosion.

The accident happened in 2003, when Anthony Howell, 58, clicked the remote to turn on his television. Howell told the New York Post he had been smelling gas off and on for three to six weeks as a result of construction work in the apartment below his, and he said he had complained to the landlord.

The explosion blew out all his windows and set his hands, head and neck on fire. The blast buckled his door and he was forced to jump from the second floor onto the street. He was hospitalized with severe burns and has undergone multiple skin grafts.

Now, he's seeking an unspecified amount of damages from a construction company, his landlord and Con Ed, the utility that controls the gas.

"The defendants' actions are inexcusable," said Howell's lawyer, Michael Feldman. "They should have had more concern when they were advised of a natural gas leak."

3/17/2006 12:31:35 AM    
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