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Forum Overview » Inspirational Story's » Inspirational Story's » Heartwarming story concerning Iraqi girl.
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Heartwarming story concerning Iraqi girl.
foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Thought this was rather heartwarming. Sorry if it offends.
As far as I know it's true.
Sarah, the oldest daughter of Emad Jafar, a Iraqi oil worker's union
leader was burned in a bombing in the 1st Gulf war. She needed
reconstructive surgery.
To aid Sarah, oil workers at Conoco Phillips, LA,CA raised close to
$2000.00 at a gate collection with more pledges to come in. This
according to David Campbell, sec-treasurer of Steel Workers PACE Local
8-675. Fundraising was previously discussed at Super Bowl game
attended by union members.
(my comments)I thought it was quite touching members of a US union
helped a family member of a similar union in Iraq. I was especially
touched since my dad was a union member. He's retired now. He was a
member of the Amerian Federation of Musicians. Local 802. NYC.
BTW There's a musician's union joke. Here it is. During the Civil
War some Rebel says to another. "Oh look it's a union band." And the
fellow rebel yells. Gee I didn't know Local 802 played this far South.
This joke is absolutely guaranteed to bring hysterical laughter to an
American Federation of Musicians Union member.
Plus its good to be reminded kindness knows no politics or boundar

3/12/2006 2:35:05 PM    
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