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Partying Priest Confessions!
foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Level: Top Dog

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Joined: 2/24/2006
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Father Joseph went up to Father Fred one afternoon and said, "I am SICK of
all this clean living. Tonight let's you and me go out and party. We'll
carouse, drink, whatever we want."

Fred was shocked. "Are you crazy? This is a small town and everyone knows
us. Besides, even if they didn't, they would see our clothes and know we
were priests."

Joe was ready for this. "Don't be silly. We won't stay in town, we'll go
into the city where nobody knows us, and we'll dress just like anyone

In the end, he managed to persuade Fred, and they went out that night and
partied like professionals. When they got back home at 5:00 AM, Fred's
face became pale. "I just thought of something," he said. "We have to
confess this."

Again, Joe was ready. "Relax, I told you, I thought this all out in
advance. Tomorrow, you go into church and into the confessional. I will
come in my regular clothes and confess, and you absolve me. Then I go put
on my garments, you come in and confess, and I'll absolve you."

Fred was amazed at Joe's brilliance. And so, Joseph went in later that
morning and said, "Father forgive me, for I have sinned. My friend and I,
we're both young men, and last night we went out and caroused. We became
drunk, had carnal knowledge of prostitutes, used foul language, danced to
wicked music."

Fred answered, "God is patient and forgiving, and thus shall I be. Do 5
'Our Father's' and 5 'Hail Mary's' and you will be absolved of your sin."

A while later, their places were reversed as Fred came in and confessed
everything in detail. There was a short pause, and Joseph answered, "I
don't believe this. And you DARE to call yourself a priest? You will do
500 "Our Father's," 500 "Hail Mary's," donate all your money for the next
month to the church, and go around the church 500 times on your knees
praying for God's forgiveness. Then come back and we'll discuss
absolution, but I make no guarantees."

"WHAT??!!" Father Fred was shocked. "What about our agreement??"

Joe replied, "Hey, what I do on my time off is one thing, but I take my
job seriously."

No Cookies, No Candy, No Gum!

A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in
her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the child asked for cookies
and her mother told her "no." The little girl immediately began to whine
and fuss, and the mother said quietly, "Now Ellen, we just have half of
the aisles left to go through; don't be upset. It won't be long."

He passed the Mother again in the candy aisle. Of course, the little girl
began to shout for candy. When she was told she couldn't have any, she
began to cry. The mother said, "There, there, Ellen, don't cry. Only two
more aisles to go, and then we'll be checking out."

The man again happened to be behind the pair at the check-out, where the
little girl immediately began to clamor for gum and burst into a terrible
tantrum upon discovering there would be no gum purchased today. The mother
patiently said, "Ellen, we'll be through this check out stand in five
minutes, and then you can go
home and have a nice nap."

The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to
compliment her. "I couldn't help noticing how patient you were with little

The mother broke in, "My little girl's name is Tammy... I'm Ellen."

3/9/2006 8:15:23 PM    
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