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Forum Overview » Misc Forum » Misc Forum » Planting
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foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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I speak to you as the mud on your shoe
daughters of my daughters unkempt trails
Come here, listen to the hubris of the vine
beneath dirty footprints sweeping leaves
when winds no longer sing their dance
in lofty heights
Be free my girl in their whispered silence
refuse the noise of satellite songs
step off the concrete to the forest way
there are no homing implants in trees
they remain standing holding
earth together
Gather your breath from blossoms
unite your thoughts to flowers
the fruit will tell you the time
of fallen skin and husk
inside the soil leaf and seed
of every beings totality
Once in the earthly cycle
consciousness turns its soil
with mucky rhythmic waves
You are earth born, planted
within her wet loam
speaks your soul

3/5/2006 9:10:10 PM    
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