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Forum Overview » Misc Forum » Misc Forum » The Sun
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The Sun
foxielyricsno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Level: Top Dog

Posts: 105
Joined: 2/24/2006
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The sun is peaking out from behind the mountains,
The clouds are bold and wide covering the pale, blue sky.
The mountains are a landmark for me beautiful,

big, blue, brownish, pink with white linings.
Suddenly the road I took doesn't look so bad.
Maybe if I keep straight on this road,

who knows where it could take me,
maybe to a beautiful place,
where the roads are all easy and paved,

it would certainly be worth taking
all those rocky, unpaved roads that led me to this one,
as long as I keep straight,
finally I will have a good fate.

3/5/2006 9:06:34 PM    
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